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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    That wouldn't solve the problem with 2-3 huge tribes. They would be huge because of active players, not inactive ones.

    What you said about bored PvPers may be right. Its not likely though, since the game would end up with some equally strong big tribes, and they wouldn't risk to attack each others, there would be too big risk of losing. Remember, smaller tribes or soloers already left the game in this scenario or joined one of the big tribes. But even if some go out to find a fight still many of them would have to stay at home to protect the crafters...while the lucky ones who are not on duty are out having fun. Why not to have a coded mechanic which makes the boring job for us ?

    And again, a system like this only works if the game has a high population. But its impossible to reach high pop with a system like this if the initial population is low.
    I dont see why you think 2 big guilds wouldnt attack each other. Also if there were only 2 big guilds (which Ive never ever seen happen in any FFA PVP game) then they are very likely to break up due to no combat. Many PVPers in those guilds would be pissed of not being able to fight.

    What you are saying is something that doesnt happen, never has happened and wont happen. To many smaller factions break off and want to start their own.

    Also Im glad they would be active ones (first I dont agree with this), but if I were in a guild having to pay resources and time for many other members, over time I would get upset and make a small group of people that I know that really work. Bigger a guild gets the more resources it takes to keep that up, the more they will also have some people that dont pull even weight.

    It happens in DFO all the time and the only resource that is needed there is portal shards. People get tired of using them on people that are almost dead weight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    I don't know even one game with full loot open PvP where this system (players policing everything and they are the only ones who protect non-PvPers) works. All the games who tried this have a very low population and declining, or died already. Is there a game with this system which is flourishing ?

    EVE, UO, Darkfall. Just to name a few.

    How about this, name some carebear games like you are talking about with only 5 devs without low population and declining or died already? Please. Thanks.

    Again focus, there should be safe areas, there should be rewards for building and defending outside these areas, and there should be reasons and things to fight over.
    I have no idea what you are talking about but clearly you dont think like a PVPer.
    What you are saying is "bored" for PVPers are their wet dreams.

  2. #2
    EVE, UO, Darkfall. Just to name a few.
    These are very bad answers for my question. UO has Trammel, and they started it with a good reason. Eve has Concord, the perfect example for a coded NPC mechanic to protect non-PvPers.
    Darkfall as a flourishing game ? Lol really

    How about this, name some carebear games like you are talking about with only 5 devs without low population and declining or died already? Please. Thanks.
    Huh ? Did I say you can only name games with 5 devs ? And no need to get that defensive. I was really courious if there is even 1 game out there which works well with this system. I don't know even one, and seems you don't know one either.

    I can name a lot of 'carebear' game which is flourishing, but this is not the point.

    @xyberviri: a lot more players play MMOs now than in the good old days And these people got used to be treated with respect and politeness, and they don't want to bear with jerks in their free time
    And I didn't edit my pots, check it. This forum acts really shows posts even before they are submitted. I've seen this many times lol...its really odd.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    These are very bad answers for my question. UO has Trammel, and they started it with a good reason. Eve has Concord, the perfect example for a coded NPC mechanic to protect non-PvPers.
    Darkfall as a flourishing game ? Lol really

    Huh ? Did I say you can only name games with 5 devs ? And no need to get that defensive. I was really courious if there is even 1 game out there which works well with this system. I don't know even one, and seems you don't know one either.

    I can name a lot of 'carebear' game which is flourishing, but this is not the point.

    @xyberviri: a lot more players play MMOs now than in the good old days And these people got used to be treated with respect and politeness, and they don't want to bear with jerks in their free time
    And I didn't edit my pots, check it. This forum acts really shows posts even before they are submitted. I've seen this many times lol...its really odd.

    Yes UO has trammel. Im missing your point. Im saying have safe zones in this game too.
    Eve has concord. Again read what I said. Xsyon should have safe areas.
    Darkfall yes its flourshing. Its not WOW but the pop is going up not down. It has way way more than Xsyon, both servers are active they dont release numbers every month so I cant tell you.

    All 3 of those have "safe" areas. Just as I believe Xsyon should have.
    I dont think it has to have special towers or guards that zap you in 1 hit, but I think there should be something like them.
    Notice also ALL these of those I listed. They have rare resources that you CANT get in the safe areas? Its for a reason. Just wanted to point that out.

    I didnt say you said that to name games with only 5 devs. Im telling you name some. Answer the question like I answered yours. You acting like because of this PVP system is why Xsyon doesnt have the player amount or something. When it has nothing to do with it.

    I can name many PVP games that are flourishing. Whats your point?

    I want Xsyon to have a system like Eve's or UO, or even Darkfall's. Not where you can place a safe totem anywhere. I want limited rare resources in these areas far away from safety. I want places to fight over, and control.

  4. #4

    I fully support safe zones for the time being (we all know why), but in the future I would like to see them removed for the most part, except as an introductory mechanism for new players. ie. The noob towns that never expand, doesn't grow or change or provide any substantial profit and is there for the sole purpose of learning the game before you commit to the risks of establishing yourself in the 'real' world.


    Exactly. I want something new. Something that is a real challenge that engages and requires you to 'pay your dues'. But you're right no one pays dues anymore.


    You're right this wouldn't work with a very low pop. But it could be glorious with a full house. Rich with decisions to create.

    Also, if the game is good enough, it should engage you to think beyond the math. How certain the odds are that I may die against the odds that I reap profits is only a part of why people decide to fight or not. I may fight on the principle alone, with all disregard for the odds. In the end you may get my stuff and my corpse, but you'll not secure my compliance. People will defend their beliefs, both passively and aggressively.

  5. #5
    DDT, whats wrong with you ? You can't stand any conversation about someone's idea if it is not yours ? I was commenting on Trench's idea. You commented on my post, in my reply I was still talking about the system Trench described. He never mentioned safe zones, and I know he doesn't want them.

    I asked you to list games like that have a system he described and are flourishing.
    I don't know even one game with full loot open PvP where this system (players policing everything and they are the only ones who protect non-PvPers) works.
    You listed Eve and UO and Darkfall. Then you said you know UO has Trammel and Eve has Concord. I really wonder if you even read my posts before you reply lol. I doubt it.

    You acting like because of this PVP system is why Xsyon doesnt have the player amount or something. When it has nothing to do with it.
    Where did I say that ? I was talking about the system Trench suggested...its not the one Xsyon has, and not the one Xsyon plans. I said games with player policing system have low population...not Xsyon.

    About games. I usually have no idea how many devs develop a game. I know though that RuneScape was created by 2 brothers, and the game became really popular when they announced the new RuneScape back in 2005. Now they have a much bigger team but the start was small. I still don't understand though that what game mechanic has to do with developers numbers ?

    We agree that your system could work with high population, but not with a low one. But how to reach that high population then ? Since the system doesn't work with few players the playerbase won't grow...

  6. #6
    We agree that your system could work with high population, but not with a low one. But how to reach that high population then ? Since the system doesn't work with few players the playerbase won't grow...
    That's not what I meant. I wasn't saying the system wouldn't work in low pop because of the system. I was agreeing that the game needs lots of players. Doesn't matter what system you put in, the game will always need lots of players or it's going to flop anyway.

    The very week they put in a good working combat system you'll have subscribers. Add siege warfare and watch the population triple overnight. That part's a no brainer. I can't count all the people I know personally who are waiting for this game to be something new and not the same old thing, on my fingers and toes.

    EDIT: I should mention I still have all my fingers and toes.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenchfoot View Post
    That's not what I meant. I wasn't saying the system wouldn't work in low pop because of the system. I was agreeing that the game needs lots of players. Doesn't matter what system you put in, the game will always need lots of players or it's going to flop anyway.

    The very week they put in a good working combat system you'll have subscribers. Add siege warfare and watch the population triple overnight. That part's a no brainer. I can't count all the people I know personally who are waiting for this game to be something new and not the same old thing, on my fingers and toes.

    EDIT: I should mention I still have all my fingers and toes.
    Lol on the last sentence

    Doesn't Darkfall work in the same way ? Working combat system (I don't know how good it is), siege warfare, player policing the servers. The population is low.

    What I meant that you said in your system PvPers should protect crafters, instead of some coded mechanism. This can only work if there are a lot of players, who can provide 24/7 safety to non-PvPers. Otherwise non-PvPers would leave the game by time.
    I still prefer findangle's suggestion, it would work much better imo.

    And welcome, findangle, nice to see you bought the game, hope you will enjoy it

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Lol on the last sentence

    Doesn't Darkfall work in the same way ? Working combat system (I don't know how good it is), siege warfare, player policing the servers. The population is low.

    What I meant that you said in your system PvPers should protect crafters, instead of some coded mechanism. This can only work if there are a lot of players, who can provide 24/7 safety to non-PvPers. Otherwise non-PvPers would leave the game by time.
    I still prefer findangle's suggestion, it would work much better imo.

    And welcome, findangle, nice to see you bought the game, hope you will enjoy it

    Pop was low on DFO not because of the PVP system, because of the grind bugs and macroing/expoiting.

    Dont fix FFA PVP to low pop. Yes I agree its not the highest %, but you dont have data to show that. Name one AAA+ game that has FFA PVP full loot?

  9. #9
    What I meant that you said in your system PvPers should protect crafters, instead of some coded mechanism. This can only work if there are a lot of players, who can provide 24/7 safety to non-PvPers. Otherwise non-PvPers would leave the game by time.
    The same can be said for everything (or should be). Safety is what pvprs provide. On the inverse I could also say that if there aren't enough players to be non-pvp dedicated crafters, pvp would be too much of a chore and they would leave.

    My point is that pvprs should be a link in the chain of things everyone needs just like every other skill set. Basketeers provide baskets, weapon crafters provide weapons, farmers provide foodstuffs, tailors provide clothes, etc. And pvprs provide combat/safety. Non-pvp should need what pvp provides, just as much as pvp should need what non-pvp provides. It should be like every other desired service/goods.

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