If it needs to be more than that why not simply remove the ability to do it from the game? I mean, if everyone agrees something shouldn't be able to be performed and they want such as stiff penalty as to discourage it altogether why bother?

Or giving the benefit of the doubt, are you saying there's a way to allow the enemy to have his teeth and be a real opponent and still keep him from 'winning' so much?

Should I fear my enemy? Or should I be able to administer justice with little effort, or to hunt down evil as easily as a deer, never fearing for my safety? Or should I be able to sit at home, and call myself good, and be completely uninvolved because the game will take care of that for me? And then we're back to, why even have the ability to commit evil in the first place?

Also what about the perma death idea? You don't think that would weigh heavy on evil doers?