I've attempted to install xsyon 3 times now, 2 times on a secondary hard drive and the 3rd in the default directory.
When i run the patcher it says connected and then analyzing files, followed by windows error xsyon.exe has stopped working.
While Downloading for the 3rd time i stayed at the computer and the patcher crashed with roughly 2GB left to download, Upon restarting the patcher i recived a message stating that the server was down (can't remember exact wording). After waiting awhile the patcher resumed, but only listed a few megs (about 15mb if i remember) instead of the 2 gigs i was expecting and again crashed with the same error. Restarting the patcher again i was rewarded with the Connected Message, analyzing files followed by a crash again.
I tracked down the install folder (C:\\ProgramData\\Notorious Games) which is currently only 1.53GB
1st log file states the following
// Log File Created At: 0402.06.26.23
0402.06.26.23 : Xsyon Version: 20100401.6
0402.06.26.23 : Mode: Windowed
0402.06.26.23 : Warning: Could not load data_object.csv file
All the other logs are missing the warning
data_object.csv appears to be one of the missing files, but for some reason the patcher isn't picking up on the fact that it's missing.
And all the usual drivers are upto date as well.
I'll send a copy of this through the support as well.