So If I get it right this is how item status is determined, example on a weapon:
- Toolcrafter creates tools, based on his skill level and material harvested tool quality is determined
- Woodworker uses those tools to chop down trees and create handles. Based on the quality of the tools and his skill the handle also has quality level now.
- Weaponcrafter uses tools and handles and creates a weapon. Based on his skill and quality of tools and handles a weapon quality will be determined.
So if Toolcrafter delivers perfect tool (supreme I think, 100), woodcrafter delivers perfect handles and weaponcrafter has supreme tools and 100 skill the weapon will be supreme quality and would do maximum amount of damage. Did I get this right?
And even more important question is if this should be how it is or if this already is implemented?
If this is how things work then grinding your skills to maxium is essential even if you have all the recipes.