Hey all, new to the game. Just came across it yesterday and have been reading here. Decided to go for it.

I'm 29, from TX. Looking for a solid community that either through RP, or just being creative, has some experience with adding their own story or game elements to a sandbox like this.

I've played MMO's for around 10 years. Pretty much at least tried them all. Longest running experience for me was SWG. Loved the crafting and sandbox nature of that game. Some of the best times were when we were doing our own things. Like exploring and settling our own town and creating a story, events to go with that. Creating our own Jedi mentorship and training programs with rp elements, etc.

Any help or beginner tips welcome, also have been looking for a basic getting started guide, etc.

Also, any introductions and people I can meet up with IG would be great.

Added after 21 minutes:

As I'm downloading the game, a couple of questions came to mind:

From my reading, it seems the content is all player created, so no created towns or hubs?

Have any of the larger tribes established towns that serve like hubs? Where I know I can meet new people and get goods, etc?

How is basic navigation? Everything is in zones, but does the map update with locations you find or can you place markers on it?

Thanks to all