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  1. #1

    Xsyon Update September 22

    Update September 22

    Stuck waiting. :dry:

    I just received a message that our host were waiting on a shipment of hardware to finish setting up our new server cluster.

    It doesn't make sense for me to patch out the current update with the pending server move, so we'll wait and keep working. This is actually good for us to get a lot done without distractions.

    As soon as I can give a better estimate of the when this server move will happen I will post. It shouldn't be much longer.

  2. #2

    Xsyon Update September 27

    Update September 27

    As posted in my last Server Update, the word from the server hosts is that we can start moving to the new machines early this week. No news from them today.

    We've been cranking on getting a lot of features and fixes ready though.

    I spent the weekend further revising the inventory system to hopefully eliminate the problems caused during lag once and for all.

    We adjusted combat to account for individual ping rates and that seems to be working well.

    We've added a few things such as crafting rank helmets and items that can be used as currency.

    If our server hosts delay this move much longer, I will patch out the current update without waiting for the server move. I'll see what the status is tomorrow.

    That's all for now. I'll post another update tomorrow.

  3. #3

    Xsyon Update September 28

    Update September 28

    A quick update. It looks like we'll finally have access to the servers tomorrow. I won't hold my breath for it though.

    Good news is that we're cranking on stuff and I will update the in progress list in a minute.

    The next update will include leveling up and most likely player looting in addition to what's already listed.

  4. #4

    Xsyon Update September 30

    Update September 30

    We finally have access to the new servers (well, full access to one of them at least)!

    The good news is that with location move our servers have been upgraded again. Now we just need to get them set up properly. It will take a few days, but at least it's finally in progess!

  5. #5

    Xsyon Update October 3

    Update October 3

    We will be transferring files all night as well. We had to wait on some firewall configuration today. This is going to take a bit, so I expect us to be able to finally do the public update Tuesday or Wednesday.

    After more waiting for our servers to have the operating system reinstalled and other things set up correctly, we finally have full correct access to both machines!

    We will be packing and transfering files all day.

    The plan is to spend one day testing our latest changes (and there have been a lot of optimizations I didn't list in the other threads that we need to check) then we will have a new installer and update ready for everyone.

    Coming very soon!

  6. #6

    Xsyon Update October 5

    Update October 5

    We are still moving things from the old servers to the new. We're almost there and have been testing the updated launcher on the new download server.

    I have a short list of issues we need to fix before the update and I'll get these done today while our final source files are being moved and we make sure that we're not forgetting anything. We have a lot of data and backups that need to be taken off the old servers.

    As soon as things are ready for the public update, I will email everyone.

  7. #7

    Xsyon Update October 6

    Update October 6

    Hello everyone!

    I apologize for these delays caused by the server move. It's been a huge pain to deal with. Unlike our previous server move which was a move to an already set up location, with this move our hosts are shutting down the old facility and opened a new one.

    The current status is that we've moved all the files and have the new servers set up. We were stalled last night as the new servers were down for a while.Now we are waiting on the proper configuration of our firewall, and I need to make sure that our old servers are cleared off and that we've backed everything off because those will be shut off completely.

    I need to take care of some personal business for the first half of tomorrow that I've been putting off for a few weeks.

    When I return, hopefully the new servers are finally ready. The new installer will be posted here as soon as they are.

    Thanks again for being patient while we deal with this.

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