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  1. #1

    Xsyon Update October 6

    Update October 6

    Hello everyone!

    I apologize for these delays caused by the server move. It's been a huge pain to deal with. Unlike our previous server move which was a move to an already set up location, with this move our hosts are shutting down the old facility and opened a new one.

    The current status is that we've moved all the files and have the new servers set up. We were stalled last night as the new servers were down for a while.Now we are waiting on the proper configuration of our firewall, and I need to make sure that our old servers are cleared off and that we've backed everything off because those will be shut off completely.

    I need to take care of some personal business for the first half of tomorrow that I've been putting off for a few weeks.

    When I return, hopefully the new servers are finally ready. The new installer will be posted here as soon as they are.

    Thanks again for being patient while we deal with this.

  2. #2

    Xsyon Update October 7

    Update October 7

    A quick update for today. I just got back from about 8 hours of driving, so I'm exhausted. I'm reviewing work that was delivered by the team. It looks like there are a few minor issues that need to be fixed tonight. I'm going to work on these, then get a bit of rest.

    The servers are finally ready and cofnigured right, so I will put a link to the new installer tonight or in the early morning and that will be followed by the update, finally, tomorrow!

  3. #3

    Xsyon Update October 8

    Update October 8


    We're all settled in at the new server location and the latest patch is up.

    There have been a lot of changes with this patch. I expect that we will find bugs as it's been difficult for us to test everything in house with the server move in progress.

    Our plan is as follows:

    This weekend work on bugs found and continued combat and creature adjustments.

    From now on we plan to release a minor update every week and a bigger update every two weeks. The minor updates will small improvements, adjustements to current features and bug fixes.

    The bigger updates will turn on several features. We should have 2 or 3 big updates then we will be ready for the Year Zero Final Wipe.

    If things go well, we will patch out the updates faster. Our goal is to start the real Prelude as soon as possible so that players can develop their actual characters and tribes.

    What's new with this update:

    Player looting.
    Tribe creation panel.
    Level up.
    Totem placement and tribal zones.
    Human right click menu.
    Basic woodcraft.
    Item materials and colors. This transfers color and material to crated armor. (most noticeable with cloth armor).
    Social panel additional functions.
    Player vs Player and vs animal collision.
    Combat swings and hit adjustments.
    Combat stationary vs moving attacks.
    Combat range affected by height.
    Movement and jump improvements.
    Final terrain baking process.
    Terrain boulders and caves.
    Speed Tree performance optimization.
    Speed Tree transitions improved.
    Mouse invert option in the keybind menu.
    Character rendering performance optimization.
    Collision with world objects (buildings, boulders).
    Corrected set of hairs for when worn under helmets.
    Corrected male heads.
    Simple ping display.
    Turning off weapons for certain animations.
    One character per account.

    Additional Guide commands to help players.
    Help chat functioning properly.

    Bug Fixes:
    Tree shadows corrected.
    Sounds playing on dead animals.
    Keybinding crash.
    Incorrect map zones.
    Inventory and container system fixes.
    Animation bugs fixed.
    Minor exploits fixed (much thanks to reports from acidraid and Ravenstorm).
    Many others.

    No visible effect, but good for the future:
    Inventory system revised to allow for a non slotted system.
    Player and creature data saving system revised.
    Terrain editor improvements.


    The tribe panel is very basic at the moment. You can create a tribe totem and claim territory.

    Leaders can not abandon their tribe. This will be changed in the next feature update which will include more tribe and rank settings.

    Tribes require only 5 members right now.

    You should be safe from attacks and being looted if you are in your own tribe territory. You are not safe in other tribe's territories. We will change this soon based on tribe settings to allow allies to be safe.

    Basic woodcraft creates components mostly useful for the construction update coming soon.

    Colored cloth does render in color in inventory icons. We are working to tint icons based on the material color. Armor parts created from colored cloth do tint properly.

    The quality of crafted armor and weapons affects damage and defense. We will continue to adjust the combat system this week as we test this and other changes.

    The ping display measures lag and needs to be checked and revised further.

  4. #4

    Xsyon Update October 9

    Update October 9

    I just updated the server and patched out a new client.

    Thanks to Diocletian we also have a Xsyon Game Manual ready. The link is here:


    Errors that caused the server to freeze a few times since the big update.
    Hat recipes with missing materials.
    Skill and xp gain update from the server.
    River drink being blocked after performing other actions.
    Scheme gain while crafting.
    Collision on large boulders. If you find any large boulders with faulty collision, please report them with a location.
    Right click menu sometimes popping up in the wrong location.
    Grass thread should be useable in any schemes requiring thread.
    Fixed issues with the character creation panel when switching between male and female.

    Fixed in a small patch earlier today:

    Pressing Enter to log in correctly logs you in now.
    Trade menu icons and buttons corrected

  5. #5

    Xsyon Update October 11

    Update October 11

    I just updated the server and patched out a new client.

    Characters and objects and tribes have been wiped. Creaturs and terraforming were left in.

    We've made some changes to the saving system and will test this throughout the day. For the next 2 or 3 days we might have to wipe the database daily because we are implementing some changes that need to be tested and might not work 100% on the first run.

    I've also patched out some missing combat animations and some texture fixes for colored armor.

    We will have another patch tomorrow, possibly one tonight. This week the focus is fixing problems and performance issues.

  6. #6

    Xsyon Update October 11

    Update October 11

    I just patched out another small update. This should fix issues with trade, social and looting. I am also testing to make sure players are being saved correctly.

  7. #7

    Xsyon Update October 12

    Update October 12

    There will be a patch and a character / data wipe late tonight or tomorrow morning.

    Terrain changes will not be wiped.

    I think all of the saving problems are resolved. These issues resulted from the server move as we switched to stricter database checking and invalid values that used to save to the database without error were just not saving.

    We've cleaned this up but I want to test a bit more internally before I patch things out.

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