Over this past month or so i have become more negative about xsyon (along with plenty of others) and went from totally loviong the game to hating it at times. We have had a rough ride over the past 6 weeks, no doubt about that, and i really did start to doubt of this game could ever survive.
So, first i bought Rift. I played it alongside xsyon for 2 weeks. Im bored. Cancelled my sub. Its flashyness kept me hooked for a short time but the last 2 weeks of my sub my 6 year old son plays. I came back to xsyon still a little frustrated and a few days ago i resubbed Mortal Online. I played for 30 minutes. In that 30 mins i realised just how great xsyon really is. People (including me) have been spouting off about there being nothin g to do in Xsyon - what a load of crap. I had just not scratched the surface properly. I had made assumptions about weapons being pointless - not true. I made assumptions about armour being pointless - not true. The depth of crafting system is just starting to come to light as we realise even the woodworkers skill in crafting a handle has an effect on the finished weapon.
The world looks great - now the snow has gone i was complelty blown away when i compared to Mortal. people say we cant affect the world, bullshit. Look around and see what people are doing with settlements - far better than any other game out there.
The lag is getting much better (i still had lag in MO even now). optimisation is happening over the next few weeks. Ofcourse we need a few more features and the game will get even better. We need a few more people to come back that were scared away by the lag problems. Xsyon really is a great game with amazing potential. You just need a few days away from it to appreciate it.