This is not a PVP oriented game, why do you want to make it PVP oriented? So that small but very vocal population can make another DF out of it? Or that those who never craft anything can supply themselves by killing crafters?

Before you introduce rewards for pvp you should think of effective penalties and restrictions first. When does pvp timer apply exactly, on first blow you deal, or on first blow you deal in return if someone already attacked you? Or only on non tribal areas? Does it apply on your tribal area? The idea is too vague as described now.

How about newbie protection timer? 7 days you are not attackable by anyone and should have time to settle properly before you are a free target?

How about traps? Someone comes to your homestead and wants to kill you, it is fair to set him a trap since you can not lock him out.

Etc etc etc.

Wannabe pvpers only ask for more but are not ready to give something in return. Like rolling small char to reduce hitbox area and then wielding a gigantic axe. Bullcrap, you either roll small and use knives or roll big and are slow but can use powerfull weapons. How about introducing fainst and combat tricks to stop those who rolled 0 intelliegence but 90 fortitude streght and agility?

Think well before you post as the collection of ideas above is not even close to a proper combat high level concept let alone a fix or a solution.

I do agree that pre-order weapons should not exist forever, so just give us item decay and we are on our way to set pvp boundries in Xsyon the way they should be set. Naked gankers with giant unlootable axes is what is ruining the game now and not safezones. Why would you leave your safezone to fight anyone when there is nothing to gain, you can only lose. Do not reward griefers, rewards should go to players instead. Safezones (personal playgrounds) is the only thing keeping majoroity of players in the game, and if you don't get this you are really in the wrong game.