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  1. #1
    My character is max height and I always run around in full gear.

    This game is not a PVP game, and this game is not a crafting game. It is both. Otherwise they would not have given us full loot, no restrictions PVP. If this game was purely a crafting game there would be no reason to play it over Wurm. If this game was purely a PVP game there would be no reason to play it over Darkfall.

    Having both PVP, and crafting gives a more well rounded experience of being part of a settlement or growing empire.

    If you hit someone period, you should be PVP flagged. If you are not interested in PVP, the very simple solution is when you get attacked sprint away. If you hold your ground and fight, you should be willing to risk defeat. I say this as a peacekeeping oriented PVPer. I have not interest in running down random carebears and taking their gear. But if I hold my ground against a griefer, then my gear, should be put at risk. Likewise if I jump a griefer and they decide to turn and fight rather than fleeing, they should not be able to just run back on deed with they realize the battle is in my favor.

    I fully support traps in a future update. However here I am talking about things that would make PVP better instantly.

    Almost nothing in these suggestions would hurt carebears very much other than Fix#4.

    If you can't support at least some of these fixes, you might as well support turning off combat in this game entirely.

    Also as much as you hate griefers, they keep carebears on their toes, and they give peacekeepers like me a foe to fight against. We want greifers, or at least bandits. And as a crafter you should want PVP. After cities are built, architects will have nothing left to do except an occasional remodel... unless cities can be destroyed. Leather and bone crafters, along with tailors and basket weavers will have no need to make new armor even with decay... unless there is actually combat to wear it out. Weaponcrafters should be renamed shovel-makers with an occasional axe for the loggers. PVPers and crafters are interdependent. The "small vocal minority" needs to be thrown a bone if you want this game to survive. I'm not asking anything too drastic here.

  2. #2
    Combat needs a complete overhaul and not just features that help naked gankers. Yes, you run around in full gear, so nice of you, but 99% of other "pvpers" is naked and with PO weapons. Giving them more tools to wreck the game for others is not a good idea. Have you seen how vocal those guys are about removing safe zones? Even when they get smacked by majority on every pool they still kick and scream that safe zones are bad and it's always the same few that pollute forums by creating a new thread as soon as old thread is defeated.

    Combat should not be touched until full system that makes sense is in place together with full resources and crafting in place as well. And DECAY, I can't stress this enough. Gankers would like to get rid of safe zones but do not want to lose their pre-order weapons or small frames or suffer for rolling 10 perception and intelligence. To give in to their demands is not just silly but also destructive and would punish those who make stuff as taking from the creators would be too easy.

    I want to be able to support myself fully in pvp, and I'm aware it is a lenghty process to grind as much crafting as possible so I can make good armor and weapons. Resources, wood for handles, recipes, armor, tools... It will take months. Only after I'm certain that losing a fight in pvp will not wreck the game for me I'll move out my safezone into active pvp hunts. My time is too valuable to be lost to a group of naked zerglings of 100cm height and 90 fortitude. Those guys just want to log in and kick someone in the head and take his stuff with no effort invested. And this is not what Xsyon should be about.

    To summarize to your last comment "If you can't support at least some of these fixes, you might as well support turning off combat in this game entirely. " - I'm all for pvp, but ballanced rather then broken. And right now it is more then just broken, it is utterly useless and damaging to the game. Lets compare it to wrecked car. You don't just change tires and hope it will run (which is what changes proposed here are), you need to change the entire car to be able to drive it.

  3. #3
    Thats great, and I think PVP does need an overhaul, but I'm thinking "What can we do right now to make this game more fun PVP-wise." You are acting like I am proposing we remove safezones. I am not. A carebear doesn't even need to drop into combat mode, they can just run away. If you don't drop into combat mode, you will never hit anyone. If you never hit anyone, you will never get PVP flagged. If you hate the combat system so much you do not wish to take part in it. Why would you ever take a swing at anyone when you can simply retreat to the safety of your totem? So whats your problem with fix 1?

    We both agree pre-order weapons must be nerfed so I assume no issue with fix 2?

    Death penalties only nerf outgoing combat damage. Not crafting or run speed. Again, why would you have an issue with fix 3 when you can just run to your totem?

    Fix four is the only possible thing that can hurt you if you are a carebear.

    So why could you not at least support fixes 1-3?

    If nobody takes part in combat, we cannot give real feedback on what needs changing, and what are simply things that inexperienced players don't like because they don't know how to fight yet. I understand you don't want to fight. But I do. And right now it isn't that fun, especially give I can find no opponents. These fixes would give me more opponents and allow me to more properly test the system, without hurting people like you very badly.

  4. #4
    This is not a PvP oriented game???? Then why do we have armor and weapons???


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxout View Post
    This is not a PvP oriented game???? Then why do we have armor and weapons???
    For pimp show and bear bitches :P

  6. #6
    The code and mechanics needs to be cleaned up.
    When you die you wait for your deathbar.. Then get a menu that you click only to lead you back at your totem so you wait again.
    I am sure this was a lazy fix to pvp ghost fighting..

    The way death worked before this change...
    You would die and return to your totem after the bar ran out OR you could turn into a ghost and respawn in the area you died instead of returning to your totem.
    The dead person could exploit the system by following them as a gohst.. respawning where the ghost was standing.. the newly revived player could then hit the other player he would normaly die but could do this until the other guy died as well...Usually it was a nekkid guy doing this shit and when he finally kills the guy that has beat him fairly 3 or 4 times.. the nekkid guy then got to loot something and log off)

    All they had to do was allow you to ghost around for 30 45 seconds then auto spawn you where ever you where able to make it. This way the person that didn't die can loot and run off...
    the person that was killed can run to an area and spawn in hidden safety.

    The old system allowed for a person to pretty much follow a potential victim indefinatly as a ghost waiting for the right time to respawn and start the attack again.

    I hope you guys could follow this.. most everyone playing beta would understand I think.

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Plague View Post
    Combat should not be touched until full system that makes sense is in place together with full resources and crafting in place as well. And DECAY, I can't stress this enough. Gankers would like to get rid of safe zones but do not want to lose their pre-order weapons or small frames or suffer for rolling 10 perception and intelligence.
    Believe me or not i think the pre-order weapon is good as it is. But i think the pre-order weapon should be lost if the player who is carying it, died 5 times within 45-minutes. So i have the pre-order weapon, and i died 5 times within 45-minutes. My pre-order weapon should be available for grabs...

    5 times within 45-minutes..
    7 times within 100-minutes.
    10 times within 24-hours.
    15 times within 3-days.

    Because there will be only a fixed amount of pre-order weapons in this game. As the game evolves some people can loose their pre-order weapons and that weapon we be a fortune for the new players. They probably will pay anything to get that epic weapon. Because there will be always a FIXED amount if pre-order weapons.

    Thats fair.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Agree with #1 if they wont get flagged in thier own tribal safe zone, Agree #2 ,Agree #3 , Disagree #4 that is just to much of a hassle to remove bag slots. If greifers need more bags and containers the should roll basketry or trade..

  10. #10
    Well the point is less that they need the actual containers and more that, with #4, rather than sorting through your bins and seeing what you need at the site of the kill, you can snatch the whole bag and take off.

    It would primarily be used by bandits and griefers I am sure, but I also would make heavy use of this. If I kill a griefer I don't want to have to manually grab each stolen item from the inside his containers. I mean even if the looting weren't so buggy, I'd spend 100% of my loot time recovering what he just stole from someone else. I want to grab his bags, and go. After I am safe I can then sort through his goods and return the stolen ones to their owners.

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