Quote Originally Posted by Andius View Post
Fix # 1: PVP Status. Credit goes to d3m0nd0 for this idea. Anytime you hit another player you get 1-2 minutes PVP status (Instantly removed on death though). During this time safe zones do not apply to you. This fix alone would make the most significant improvement to the PVP system.

Fix# 2: Pre-order weapon nerf. As an owner of a pre-order weapon I can say, its overpowered, and needs to be nerfed. It is useful enough as a tool that cannot be dropped/a basic fall back weapon if I get looted. It does not need to be insanely powerful on top of that. Nerfing it to do the same or slightly less damage than the weakest crafted weapon of its type is perfectly acceptable to me. When I kill someone and dry loot them, they shouldn't be coming back at me armed with a powerful weapon, and its entirely unfair to new players to make them THAT powerful.

Fix#3: Death penalties. Upon death players should have outgoing damage reduced by 90% for 5-10 minutes. This is because if you are being hassled by your neighbor with a homestead right next to yours, and you kill them... that should be the end of it. They shouldn't keep coming back every time they respawn. However someone who laid a killing blow should be able to type /spare playername to negate this penalty so that people who want to fight aren't forced to only fight every 5-10 minutes.

Fix#4 Pack looting. If you have an empty pack slot, you should be able to loot packs and baskets from bodies. If you have an empty pouch slot, you should be able to empty pouches. However, so that this doesn't leave anyone without the ability to carry items, players should always have a "ragged pack" that has 5 slots appear in the pack slot if they die with no packs and no pouches.

Implementing these 4 simple fixes could make PVP much more rewarding. Of course the combat system still needs work, and we eventually need tribe wars etc. But right now every PVPer on this game is very dissatisfied with the current PVP situation, and we are losing subscribers because of it. Implementing these changes would help give them something to chew on while more drastic changes that will take much more hard work are developed.
#1: I agree, as long as it doesn't apply inside a safe zone. The owner of the safe zone needs the ability to clear his area from players, if not with combat then add a button on totem 'Kick everyone but tribe members out of tribe zone'.

#2: Agree.
#3: Agree.

#4: This should only be implemented when PK penalties gets in game. For now there is no penalty at all for PKing, the planned alignment system doesn't work. When they switch it on I'll agree.