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  1. #1
    Well put. Agree totally.

  2. #2
    agreed. couldnt have said it better.

  3. #3
    Can i have your stuff?

    On topic, game was released 15th and they got a heavier pressure than expected and if they would have limited the preorder at that point they would have said no to a paid stresstest which is quite stupid..

    And last time i read up on the prelude this is what its about, preparing and getting things sorted.

    There is no point in pushing tons of features in while other stuff is still broken

  4. #4
    I think my <<mod edit>> skills can be applied to this one.

    "Cram it all it and deal with effects later."


  5. #5
    I'm not sure what do you mean by 6 weeks...the game was released on 15th of March, thats only 2 weeks.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    I'm not sure what do you mean by 6 weeks...the game was released on 15th of March, thats only 2 weeks.
    You are so nice... We both know none of the details really matter. Some just wanna bitch no matter what. Notice the tribe trend of the bitchers?

  7. #7
    My biggest concern is the amount of effort they're putting into the areas beyond the green mist. We don't need them right now. What we need is for our current features to work, and for the ones that aren't available yet to be activated and tweaked. If they really focus on those things they might be able to roll out a decent patch that does more than "optimize."

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Kroom View Post
    You are so nice... We both know none of the details really matter. Some just wanna bitch no matter what. Notice the tribe trend of the bitchers?
    Yeah I'm nice That was my way of saying 'Stop flat out lieing and learn to count noob !!!'

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    I'm not sure what do you mean by 6 weeks...the game was released on 15th of March, thats only 2 weeks.
    Yea jad I'm wondering where the 6 weeks came from as well... Also for only being 2 weeks in, and this being a small developer. I can see why it would take a little time for everything to be in working condition.

    Dubanka Have you ever played an MMO before? If so, you would know that there has not been a game to date that didnt have issues on launch. Even WoW the supreme overlords of themepark MMOs had a number of issues on launch and it took them several weeks to fix them.

    Great Job Devs im still behind you and think you doing good work.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizzlexx View Post
    Yea jad I'm wondering where the 6 weeks came from as well...
    I knew i'd bring out some fb's.

    6 weeks= Original 'head start' period+2 weeks 'free play' (becaue it was so broken you could barely play) period + 2 weeks 'official release date to now period'. I mean seriously people, play with semantics more. It was supposed to be playeable at the beginning of the head start window. So again, we are today, where we should have been 6 weeks ago. Congrats. Better late than never.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizzlexx View Post
    Also for only being 2 weeks in, and this being a small developer. I can see why it would take a little time for everything to be in working condition.
    Honestly, I don't care how small they are, or how large they are. They are producing a product. We have paid, and they want to continue to pay, for this product. I would love to continue to pay for the product, however it has to be worth paying for. The size of the company and their resources (or lack thereof) has no bearing on whether i continue to spend my money on it.

    Dubanka Have you ever played an MMO before?
    uhh no. This is the very first time i've every actually even turned on a computer. What's the internet? friggin moron.

    My biggest concern is the amount of effort they're putting into the areas beyond the green mist. We don't need them right now. What we need is for our current features to work, and for the ones that aren't available yet to be activated and tweaked. If they really focus on those things they might be able to roll out a decent patch that does more than "optimize."

    Great Job Devs im still behind you and think you doing good work.
    You win a cookie.
    I'm not sure that anyone who is left trying to be active after the wonderful launch isn't a fan...of at least the potential of the game.
    Potential? meet Reality. Reality is there is a lot of stuff that needs to get addressed in a short amount of time...
    There are serious holes in the game, both in its basic mechanics and its 'content'. THis isn't a charity. If the basic gameplay items are not addressed, this game will not make it...

    I'm a fan. Or i wouldnt still be here. However the world doesnt work on what you did yesterday...what are you going to do for me today?

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