It is great that Notorious Games has forums for us to exchange ideas, suggest improvements or simply share useful information.

However, lately, it seems that folks are only interested in seeing if they can influence the developers of Xsyon to make the game to their vision.

I am curious folks... has this EVER really worked in a positive way? Sure, you can shout, whine and scream enough that they may give in to quiet the noise... but who are they caving in to? The majority of actual players? I don't really know, but my guess would be that as human beings with emotions and feelings like anyone else, it is more reaction to pressure then what's in the best interest of the game.

Another thing I keep seeing lately are folks predicting what will happen if this that or the other thing happens, hyperbolizing to make things sound either much worse then they are, or down playing it to unimportance.

Why can't we stick to the facts? Is that just not humanly possible these days?

Let me state a couple facts...

1. Almost any MMO you will play, tells you in the EULA that you are paying for a service that allows you to login and play a game that be modified, or be cancelled at any time by those that developed it, and carried no other guarantees.

That is your only actual "right". EULA's are written on purpose to protect the makers of a game NOT the players.

2. If it is made by humans hands, it will be imperfect, flawed, and may gradually improve over time... or it may not.

In a perfect world, every game would be EXACTLY what WE want. This ain't heaven and humans are not perfect.

Maybe you can add to these "facts", or maybe you will tell me I all wrong, and explain ad nauseam with hyperbole and clairvoyance how it WILL be different.

Facts don't change regardless of how bad you want them to.

Personally? I am loving this game! I have no problem putting up with changes, since they lead to improvement that I am looking forward to. In the mean time, I can get my skills up and be prepared for what is coming next. Count me as someone that can see the flaws, but can also see past them to what comes next.