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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooflung View Post
    I have a test for you. I have tested this a little when farming for chalk, or on a scrap pile.

    Here is the question. Does doing an action (sleeping, foraging, scavaging, crafting, etc) over a resource area (limestone, granite, scrap) make the resource reset faster?

    - If I gather, scav, craft or sleep over a scrap node, it SEEMS to reset far quicker then just standing there.
    - Over granite it SEEMS to 'pop' flint or quartz more often when im gathering or crafting then just standing or walking across it.
    - Limestone/chalk 'pops' SEEM to be a bit of a rarer find. I've crafted/gathered on it and walked acrossed it with equal crappy results.

    I have no real conclusion because I have not really done a study. I have observations, no conclusions.
    I have noticed that as well. I will have to test it out sometime. . not that it is easy to gather evidence on these things. If that is true. .then I suppose digging would make it come up faster. . but is not necessary.

  2. #2
    A small theory I have ;

    Animals leave a trail if they travel the same route often enough.

    I saw a trail of dirt, almost like a road leading from a river into the mountains. It led to a cave where i had encountered a few bears while exploring before.

    Hard to prove given the current animal situation.

  3. #3
    The resources refill very slowly on junkpiles; if you take 1 and move and don't overuse the pile it will regenerate by the time you accidentally hit that spot again

    If you have a lot of people using the same small JP though it will deplete.
    I know we have 2 big JPs on our land and I harvest each over every other day and only do west 1 day and east another
    so i only have a chance to hit the same spot once every 4 days

    we have maybe 6 deadspots on our pile but thats mostly from unauthorized people or new clannies who didnt get "the talk" yet

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by darkbladed View Post
    The resources refill very slowly on junkpiles; if you take 1 and move and don't overuse the pile it will regenerate by the time you accidentally hit that spot again

    If you have a lot of people using the same small JP though it will deplete.
    I know we have 2 big JPs on our land and I harvest each over every other day and only do west 1 day and east another
    so i only have a chance to hit the same spot once every 4 days

    we have maybe 6 deadspots on our pile but thats mostly from unauthorized people or new clannies who didnt get "the talk" yet
    So the idea is that it does regenerate then. I will have to try that out.

    Quote Originally Posted by YamiOkami View Post
    A small theory I have ;

    Animals leave a trail if they travel the same route often enough.

    I saw a trail of dirt, almost like a road leading from a river into the mountains. It led to a cave where i had encountered a few bears while exploring before.

    Hard to prove given the current animal situation.
    I would love it if they added a tracking skill. The one in UO was pretty good.

  5. #5
    I was told by a guide but still can't be sure, that when you delete a crafted item, that it gets stored in a kind of trash file and every so often, the server puts back to the junk piles as it prunes the file. DOn't know if it's true, if what you toss effects what is put back since what you get from trash is random of 4 resource types. But if it looks at what is trashed then grinding stone tools won't help build up trash because they don't use trash piles.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by vorg View Post
    I was told by a guide but still can't be sure, that when you delete a crafted item, that it gets stored in a kind of trash file and every so often, the server puts back to the junk piles as it prunes the file. DOn't know if it's true, if what you toss effects what is put back since what you get from trash is random of 4 resource types. But if it looks at what is trashed then grinding stone tools won't help build up trash because they don't use trash piles.
    i also read that what is deleted is put back into junk piles, but i highly doubt the system is so complicated that it would analyze the components of what is being thrown away and puts certain resources back, infact resources in junkpiles are randomly generated when you stand there, and change.

  7. #7
    with regard to rare stuff like flint or chalk, it appears to be purely on a random roll for whatever window you're on that area.

    example. In the first couple days of 'launch' where are play time was pretty much limited to running against a wall...i'd watch the wall resource (Granite) add flint, then it would disappear after a while, occasionally quartz would pop up. Mind you, im not changing position.

    so basically every time the game does a location check it rolls for a chance for rare stuff to show up. the question is, is it more time effetive to stand in one place and just wait for it to show up, or ratther to go around 'looking' for it.

  8. #8
    I have a test for you, Get a Random Number Generator, Click on It 50000000 times, record the results on paper, and spend three days, trying to work out some form of conspiracy theory, about Obama being a Russian Spy, who underwent extensive skins surgry in order to bring down "the american way of life."

    I will await for the results in the morning.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by d3m0nd0 View Post
    I have a test for you, Get a Random Number Generator, Click on It 50000000 times, record the results on paper, and spend three days, trying to work out some form of conspiracy theory, about Obama being a Russian Spy, who underwent extensive skins surgry in order to bring down "the american way of life."

    I will await for the results in the morning.
    Since he was born in Russia it is pretty obvious that he is a spy. . but I will get on it anyway.

  10. #10
    As far as exhausting junk/grass/branches, this is either on a long timer or more likely is reset when the server is reset (like when animals respawn, not after a minor crash).

    Resources like the available junk types and rare spawns like flint/chalk/shells are on a timer, but taking a resource also has an effect. There have been times when I've gathered flint right after it popped up and then a quartz appeared, or a shell appeared and another shell popped right after it was gathered. Chalk does not show up over as wide an area as flint/quartz. Often a single step will take you past the chalk spawn, so gathering limestone may be a more reliable method than walking if your reflexes aren't sharp.


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