I sympathize with the technical challenges, not the greatest way to make a first time impression. Currently, this is what prevents me from recommending it’s purchase to some RL friends.

The pay to play beta, for better or worse, has become the new business model for indie game developers. I blame the success of Minecraft for that...

Regarding the first hour of running in the dark to find an unpopulated area to setup camp, everyone goes through that. If you are trying to find somewhere to settle or make your way to a tribe, it’s going to take sometime. That’s the way it is and should remain, no fast travel (excluding any discussion of death and re-spawning), we are settlers. Perhaps some form of crafted handle held light (i.e. torch, flashlight), some type of mapping system, and improved tool tips would make it more digestible for beginners. These are just ideas that came to mind thinking about the first time I logged on. Perhaps you have better suggestions...