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  1. #41
    This is why those of us that like to fight should pick an area and move to it. That way at least part of the game will seem populated and we will be able to find fights without crossing 15+ zones.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by notintime View Post
    It's very simple, most of ppl finished building their homestands, castles, villiges, etc, or died at the keyboard from grinding crafts There is really nothing else to do in game. And if you are in a big tribe that means there is even less to do.
    Crafting? mostly pointless, all you need is baskets, and tools(if ya have somebody in tribe to take basketry and somebody to take toolcrafting then you are set).
    Trading is nonexisted tbh, there is a lot of everythign everywhere, beside few rare scavengable items.
    And im not even gonna start with pvp or hunting

    I am in 15 ppl tribe where actually only around 4-5 are really active, 5 log in from time to time and rest probably wont enter xsyon ever again. And maybe its good cos if all members were active we would already finish our little "castle" we are building and probably all left the game.
    Its supouse to be a survival type game? That brings stupid smile to my face when i look at my tribe camp and i wonder where we will squizze another basket ;P.
    2 weeks after release and semi active, average tribe like mine have tons of stuff and im not sure what exacly do with it, hundrets of weapons, tools, scavengable stuff etc.
    Survival? My char lives in luxury
    Well, I can't speak for all the other big tribes out there, but we have actually managed to keep ourselves rather busy, even with the latest zone lag issues. Basically, we come up with large-scale projects that require a lot of man power to do. If everyone in your tribe is crafting separately and just grinding their skills, then things will get boring fast. The key is for the tribe's leadership to motivate their members and give them something to work toward. Of course, our active members number has taken a hit, but considering our size, it doesn't impact us as much as other tribes for sure.

    We all knew Prelude was going to be a building/crafting period, and that it would last for a while (months). Honestly, people who leave now without getting a refund are jumping the gun. If you have the free two months, I'd just continue playing until the end of it to get my money's worth, which I'm sure is what sensible people who place value on their money are doing.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Let's hope those aren't the actual numbers, because that would be $1500/month in subscription fees, which is roughly what someone making minimum wage earns (before taxes) and roughly equal to the U.S. poverty line for a family of 3.
    that is actualy scary thought that dont cover game expenses nor other ones

  4. #44
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Intensity in ten cities
    Quote Originally Posted by jumpshot View Post
    This is why those of us that like to fight should pick an area and move to it. That way at least part of the game will seem populated and we will be able to find fights without crossing 15+ zones.
    Zone 700.

    Bring it.

    We're moved too much dirt to start all over <3

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Zone 700.

    Bring it.

    We're moved too much dirt to start all over <3

    Everyone move to 904!

  6. #46
    Yea, maybe we will have to just all move to the same area to force conflicts... but that seems sort of lame. My tribe has a handful of people still waiting for specific features to be implemented, or lag/framerate issues to be resolved. But so far I've been fairly happy leveling up random crafts or a few random pvp fights in my area. Sometimes it does feel like a ghost town though... maybe if they beefed up bears we would be forced to create large town areas for mutual protection from the bears :P Instead of any Tom Dick and Harry able to slaughter bears on a whim. Take a trip to your local zoo and see how you fare against a bear with just a baseball bat.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Let's hope those aren't the actual numbers, because that would be $1500/month in subscription fees, which is roughly what someone making minimum wage earns (before taxes) and roughly equal to the U.S. poverty line for a family of 3.
    Virtus said that there were 2k+ subscribers in December, and a lot of people joined in February. So the number of subscribers most likely was around 3-5k by launch or even more.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    Virtus said that there were 2k+ subscribers in December, and a lot of people joined in February. So the number of subscribers most likely was around 3-5k by launch or even more.
    true taht was around that time now u have around 300 active subscrubers that doesnt account inactive

  9. #49
    allot of people have active subs but aren't playing because of the lag and issues in pvp. thats specifically from first hand what players have told me or have told me there about to do.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by STAR_GOD View Post
    true taht was around that time now u have around 300 active subscrubers that doesnt account inactive
    Lol ok and where is this info coming from ? virtus, Jordi, IRC or what ?

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