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  1. #71
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Intensity in ten cities
    I don't see people complaining that things aren't "being done for them".

    I see people complaining that the "sandbox" is 2 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2 inches deep. That's why the game is empty right now. Congrats being satisfied making mud pies in a game that currently lacks any depth, challenge, or competitiveness.

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    I don't see people complaining that things aren't "being done for them".

    I see people complaining that the "sandbox" is 2 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2 inches deep. That's why the game is empty right now. Congrats being satisfied making mud pies in a game that currently lacks any depth, challenge, or competitiveness.
    Well when people say "there is nothing to do" in a game where " players make the content" then it is the player who has the problem. Perhaps they expect too much, lack imagination or simply bought the wrong game.

    I personally am happy with the game currently as I knew what I was getting....3-6 months of prep work then progressing into the next stage. Now if in 3-6 months the game isn't where it should be then that is something to worry about but for now, it isn't any less then I was expecting and I am enjoying building my homestead, forging aliances, trading for things I need and basically getting ready for the next stage.

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Congrats being satisfied making mud pies in a game that currently lacks any depth, challenge, or competitiveness.
    Right, because it's absolutely necessary to belittle people for enjoying something that you clearly are not enjoying at the moment...

    There must be something about them mud pies, as I do seem to be having a good amount of fun in-game. I don't see a high quantity of people, that's true, but the ones I do see are pretty high quality. I wouldn't personally want to balance that equation any other way.


  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    <snip> Congrats being satisfied making mud pies in a game that currently lacks any depth, challenge, or competitiveness.
    Hmmmm... pie !

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by maelwydd View Post
    I remember hearing often "players make the content in a Sandbox FFA PvP game" but it seems those same people are actually expecting the game to do it for them. Ironic really...
    Yeah but you need first some features(tools) to be able to "create the content". You cant do something from nothig. Pure imagination isnt enough.
    You are the one of few ppl who really enjoy the "building your place to live" part of the game, and you dont need anything else for now. Thats good for you but for most ppl it isnt enough, especially for more hardcore players who already accomplished building their ingame "home" cos beside that there is nothing to to tbh.

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by notintime View Post
    ... ingame "home" cos beside that there is nothing to to tbh.
    Well I can think of plenty but I guess that is just me...and all the others who are not bitching and just enjoying the game for what it is.

    And sorry but "pure imagination" IS enough. In fact, it seems to be the ones without any imagination who actually seem to be having the problems.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by maelwydd View Post
    Well when people say "there is nothing to do" in a game where " players make the content" then it is the player who has the problem. Perhaps they expect too much, lack imagination or simply bought the wrong game.

    I personally am happy with the game currently as I knew what I was getting....3-6 months of prep work then progressing into the next stage. Now if in 3-6 months the game isn't where it should be then that is something to worry about but for now, it isn't any less then I was expecting and I am enjoying building my homestead, forging aliances, trading for things I need and basically getting ready for the next stage.
    Things to do:

    City Building- Really cool. Terraform. Build walls. Building models are pointless (they lack function) and locking gates would be nice, but currently building your sand castle is the most developed part of the game.

    Crafting- Lots to do. Lots to grind rather. No item explanation gives you no feedback on whether this piece is better than a previous one. Very little value /use of lower quality items means massive grinding is required to get skill level high enough to be not worthless. Right now you craft for the sake of crafting, as your effort has very little functional value and is thus not something that is tradeworthy.

    Trade- Most trading is in raw materials. with crafted items being of dubious value, the main purpose here is grind fodder or vanity. Because of the post launch junk expansion, there is very little need for trade to occur.

    Hunt- I know there are some animals out there...just not nearly enough of them.

    Fish/Gather/Scavenge- click. wait. walk 5 feet. Repeat.

    PVP- Notwithstanding any of the oddities of the pvp 'system', there is simply very little reason to do it. Resources are plentiful (except for lumber ) and thus do not fuel any conflict. There is no mechanism that rewards territorial control. There is no mechanism that rewards or penalizes players for pvp activity.

    Events/Competitions- I've never been a big fan of them (in any game) but i know some folks enjoy them. The problem we currently have is what's the motivation? usually there is a prize...with most stuff being without value, how do you motivate players to race/fight/swim/whatever.

    The best player made content is the kind that occurs when players encounter other players and then have the freedom to determine the outcome of that encounter. The game currently does not exist at that level. The mechanics of the game do not currently reward, require, or even penalize a player for interacting with another player. There is no reason for a player to be outside of his/her tribal area. There is no ability for players to create drama by making hostile visits to other players area (assuming the mechanics existed for this to be even partially enjoyable from either sides perspective).

    So yes, you are perfectly happy playing Sim Hermit. Sim Hermit an MMO not make.

  8. #78
    Hmmmm, interesting discussion. The population drop for the game really can't be disputed, so that discussion is taken care of. Why is One of the big questions.

    1st: standard drop after launch
    2nd: lack of content
    3rd: Lag issues all around

    The really big question in my mind is whether this drop in population is permanent or can rebound. I firmly believe it will. The devs made no bones about the fact that content would be rolled out slowly over 6 months. As this happens word will get out to start coming back. In fact I've been telling ppl to hold off a bit until I give the word that things have improved. I'm still enjoying it, although I'm not logging in as much as I used to. I guess we'll see.

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    I don't see people complaining that things aren't "being done for them".

    I see people complaining that the "sandbox" is 2 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2 inches deep. That's why the game is empty right now. Congrats being satisfied making mud pies in a game that currently lacks any depth, challenge, or competitiveness.
    If there's one thing this entire community could agree on, it's that you seem to have a hard-on of hate for people who enjoy this game despite its incomplete state. Whether it's a result of jealousy, boredom, or low self-esteem is unclear and irrelevant. All I can tell you, homeslice, is that you may want to find something that makes you happy, video game or otherwise.

  10. #80
    Props for using the word homeslice.

    I myself have taken to the hills for a private homestead and find I have TO MUCH to do! Granted, I am trying to fill with one account the roles that a tribe can easily fill with many. Just gathering the logs to build a damn section of wall can take a long time, let alone terraforming my spot. I suppose it is all just a matter of how you play the game. Someone like myself, I can see a few months of value in the title as it is now just for how long it will take me to get anything done. I do however understand how a large tribe can feel meh at this point. You guys dove in fast, gathered and sorted everything and probably have a ton of tools and gear you do not have any use for and just find yourself saying what now. It is understandable. I would say if that is the case though, take a break.

    One question I wonder about up here in the hills overlooking the lake is what will happen to all the places that are left behind when people quit. Be nice to have the ability to not only destroy but salvage from a structure, or just be able to loot from an abandoned camp.

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