Dubanka I dont think anyone is saying that the game is perfect as is; what I think they are saying is that they are still having fun right now .
I am still having a lot of fun; if it is like it is now in 3-6 months I will not be.
Everyone wants more content; more for everyone to do.

I think the problem is on both sides is that we see our selves as sides.
Both "peaceniks" and "PVP douches" (I'm using offensive terms on purpose) need to come together as neither of us can survive alone.
If there are no peace loving crafters PVPers won't have armor, weapons, or anyone to kill and take from.
Without PVPers peaceful crafters mean nothing cause who will use our gear also taking out PVPers makes resources too common which eliminates trade.

Also personally I like the fear I get when my 30 in all combat stats self out to visit/find resources; it is exciting.
I think most of the "peace crowd" is just afraid that they will be surrounded by douches that kill them over and over for hours on end and grief them.

So let's stop all of this bickering and come together to assist the developers.