Apache has been around since beta, we have a strong tribe community and have decided to back our preferred currency.
We are in Zone: 897 Pos: 987x1014 Right on the lake!
We take Dollar bills, Quarters, and Pennies - we would also take any other type of bills like 5's, 10's, etc if they are even in game, also dimes and nickles if they are in game is well, but i doubt it.
We sell the following:
Bins for $15 or 10 for $100
Scavengers Rod/Fishing Pole for $10
Saw Blades $80
Knife Blades: $20
Metal Buckles $150
Metal Decorations $250
Rainbow Trout stack of 10 for $20
Feathers $2
Over 150 recipes in stock! Pricing works like this: Level 40 recipe sells at $20x4 = $80 - recipes under level 20 sells for $60
We will buy the following in limited quantities: We purchase based on available funds
Rainbow Trout Stack of 10 for $15
Nails: Stacks of 30 for $40
Rivets: Stacks of 30 for $40
Bolts: Stacks of 30 for $40
Screws: Stacks of 30 for $40
We will add more items to this list very soon, so check back often!
Note* When we have the ability to use an in game merchant/auction or when they fix the quest system we will not do manual trades, right now we have no other choice.
Contact in game for more info: