Ill admit im a tad excited.
He said to expect one yesterday or today.
Ill admit im a tad excited.
He said to expect one yesterday or today.
correction.. he said "tomorrow or after" so yesturday or after yesturday.
Yay for vaguely worded updates! /amused
well there hasnt been one since 15th i think? Sooo... im expecting something worthwhile
Posts that are light on details and vague on timeframe are the flip side to demanding more frequent updates.
All things considered, I'd say it's better this way.
im rdy for the animal spawn update im not going to be playing much until it goes in and a lot of me renewing my sub when it runs out is based on this update and what else is added by the time the sub expires
+1 to Blake378 game needs life at least some mobs to bash the least they must do in the short term, short term as in days
Yep. It would be pretty key to get in there. Where are we. . I can't remember when official launch was. . then we had the extra 2 weeks added so 2.5 months roughly from the launch. I am assuming March 10th as launch. They still have time before renewals etc. . but the animals are pretty key.
My sub info says through 6/1/11.
I like how Jordi is starting to mirror Tasos.
Is "tomorrow or after" the new "soon™"?