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Thread: New Stats!!

  1. #1

    New Stats!!

    With the new stats that have just come out my character is completely not what I originally planned for and I am sure other players out there are feeling the same any chance of a stat re-roll or at least make a stat cap and toggle option so you can lock or set certain stats to raise and lower.

    Oh and actually make it so they raise when you use skills related to that stat for instance hiding raise Agility and terraforming raising Strength.

    Other then that keep up the good work.

  2. #2
    agreed !!

    i have over 80 in running,jumping AND hiding yet ive lost a point in agility and not gained any >.<

  3. #3
    I don't see any changes that make my character completely different from what I wanted... what's making you want to re-roll again?

  4. #4
    Well as tribe leader I set up for high tribal leadership as well as Animal Taming and Poisoning and Healing None of them are even on the list any more.

  5. #5
    i myself took high intelligence as it said it helped with crafting on the old manual and now its stated it just helps with learning patterns which tbh i could have used those stat points elsewhere and just learnt patterns slower =/

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Dade512's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Oklahoma City
    I'm in kinda the same boat as mitsarugii...I set up using the old chart and now I've got wasted points no doing anything for me. =\ Don't really feel like rerolling again =(

  8. #8
    I'm sure they'll refund stat points along with allowing you to change character height when they do the combat revamp and balance things.

  9. #9
    Doesn't really matter what stats you start with. That is just a starting point. The game adjust your stats based on what you do, not what you think they should be or want.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by vorg View Post
    Doesn't really matter what stats you start with. That is just a starting point. The game adjust your stats based on what you do, not what you think they should be or want.
    but it doesn't adjust them very much if at all, like mitsarugii said he has actually lost agility even though he has raised three agility based skills to 80+.

    i myself have made over 5000 bricks and raised terraforming to 100 (without macroing) yet strength hasnt moved at all

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