- Fix jumping. We travel faster by jumping. Sure it uses some stamina, but it doesn't keep me from doing it. I had a personal bunnyhop record of about 25 yards today on flat ground. Also, I just jump everywhere when encumbered.

- Much, much more clip range for characters and all objects. Code sliders into the options for people who can't run more clip. Character clip range should be at least 8x further than it is now. Object (baskets/logs/junk/tents/walls/etc.) clip range should be 983476767607256528x further than it currently is. 784 meters is max for trees? Throw in at least 500 meters for character/object clip.

- Allow us to dye leather and bone.

- Respawn after death should not start us at 75% health and stamina. It should be 10% health and 10% stamina to keep people from rushing.

- Health and stamina need to regenerate at a quicker pace both standing and resting (faster for the latter, of course).

- Food and water need to last longer. Cooking may help with that, I guess.

There is too much downtime with regard to the last 2 bullets. We probably spend at least 25% of our game-time resting.