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  1. #1
    also your able to drop tribe at any time and drop a totem to get rid of the bags if there that much of a issue to you.

  2. #2
    It is a fundamental issue that bring several issues together. Items in the world directly correleates to loading lag (loading entitites tag)

    I have mentioend the need for clarification if this was intended or not hopeing to find an official responce. I think personally it is an exploit and I have yet to hear an official word about
    it one way or another.

    If it isn't an exploit is it working 100% as intended and is it going to change or not. I offer reason to why I think it shouldn't be that way.. all you two are offering is forum trolling.

    If the game is pandering to a few crafters that dont want to lose crafted items in the wilderness.. I am afaird to invest much more time and effort and feel alot better about making a decision before our subscription time runs out. I've raised alot of concern over permissions.. as it relates to bag permissions being exploited to prevent being looted.
    I've also mentioned premissions being exploited by dropping your main pack while fighting to aviod possible loss. As well as dropping a totem to avoid pvp alltogether in the middle of a fight. These things need to be fixed or your giving no reason to pvp at all.. so in turn alot of player like myself leave.. the game gets even more boreing and eventually fails.

    This game needs all kinds of players and play styles.. I am looking out for other people besides crafters intrests. Crafters already have working system... safe zones and things to stay busy with.. pvpers have broken weapons.. broken mechanics and no reason to fight currently.. and this is VIRTUS's own words "this is a pvp game, if you are out of the safe zone you are free game." It would seem like your left loot would be the same.

    And I would vote for loot decaying after a few hours in the wilderness .. that would be fine with me as well.

    You can't be serious xerb thinking that dropping a totem to look into a bag in the world is an intended mechanic.

  3. #3
    I wasnt arguing that point coca, I agree it needs to be looked into. but as far as IF its the lag causer, or even a major part of it (it could be related, but say 10%, so wouldnt you want to look at the 90% of the issue first?)

    either way, until its found and verified by devs that bags cause all/none/some of the lag, that argument point is invalid for either of us to use as a reason to expedite the bag looting fixes.

    if you are truly concerned about it, quietly create a bug submission for it, and wait for a response. sure you might say "but that takes forever to get a reply to".

    sure it might, but no longer than posting on the forums.
    for the mods to see, to direct to the guides, to direct to the devs..for the devs to reply to the mods, to let you know (if that chain of communication even makes it the full round trip).

    I see if as if you truly have an issue, concern...just like at a job:
    You can complain directly to the ones involved thought the correct channels, or you can complain at the water fountain to your co -workers (forums) and hope the boss catches a bit of it while passing by.

    one gets the job done with little effort as possible, the other takes a lot more effort, but does work well to publicly gossip and announce to your co-workers your disdain for things out of their control.

    but I compelety agree bags outside of totem area, should be fixed to have some mechanic to open them.
    be it a timer, or after person that drops it leaves farther than X meters away (they cant guard it if they cant see it).

  4. #4
    Im right there with you Coca.
    Im of the opinion that it should take time to drop a totem, and time to remove one.
    Im also of the opinion that containers in the wild off your totem should be public use.

  5. #5
    LOL, funny. again. interesting opinions about why people leave that game.
    and both coca and dxwarlock are wrong somehow....or at least not fully correct.

    1. why should people leave the game just because the border zone crossing is a bit laggy? its annoying for sure, but no gamebreaker.

    2.why are crafters needs satisfied with the current system? crafting is a pure joke. childrens play. i admit, its the only thing that can be done ingame, but it definately does not make any crafter stay ingame. its fubar, just as pvp is. even more. it ruined the economy, the value of things, yes even the purpose for looting. so crafting even affects pvp!

  6. #6
    haven't you heard?

    pvp is not a focus of prelude.

    you will keep see another player one day...and you will like it!

  7. #7
    Container and object permissions. Currently these are set to what players can expect within their own tribal zone. Once tribes are set up, object permissions outside tribal zones will allow for stealing.
    Seems the problem is that stealing is not implemented yet.

    You are not safe in other tribe's territories. We will change this soon based on tribe settings to allow allies to be safe.
    This sounds good, I forgot that this is planned.

    I don't know if the bag permissions outside of tribe zones is a bug or not, if its intended or not. But to get rid of the bags we need an option to destroy them or a very fast decay (total break in like 1-2 days) outside of tribe zones, stealing from bags won't solve anything lag-wise.

  8. #8
    yeah coca guy, spends more time on forums then he does ingame ...
    saw coca getting mad on local cuz he couldnt kill a guy that was scavenging , instantly called him a 'sploiter' followed up by more drama talk.

    Whats your proof that the container thing is a lag issue ???

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by temur View Post
    yeah coca guy, spends more time on forums then he does ingame ...
    saw coca getting mad on local cuz he couldnt kill a guy that was scavenging , instantly called him a 'sploiter' followed up by more drama talk.

    Whats your proof that the container thing is a lag issue ???
    the forums are more entertaining than the game.

    he doesn't need to give proof because YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE PROOF!

    i like mud huts.
    and hats.

  10. #10
    in true Dubanka fashion, +1 to post count with +0 to thread contribution.

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