Quote Originally Posted by kaskas View Post
I have to agree with both, coca and dxwarlock. I only started playing this weekend, but pvp is idd broken and no real reward for it, whereas crafting has absolutelly no risk tied to it. Recieving some info on whether this will change at all to know if a person wants to spend more time ingame or not is a valid concern.
I agree that atm, the fact that there are no animals, a lack of trees, and massive lag/delay when switching zones is more of a gamebreaker atm for me. Ive explored around many areas, i started 4 different times in different areas and explored the mountains looking for some secluded area to setup my homestead (thats a LOT of hours exploring) and have yet to see an animal. As for the cointainers being a lag issue... i believe we can all agree that it is definetly not helping the issue.

Its planned to change, but whats planned doesnt always work out. Dont forget Prelude is the time to build up towns. Which is why there is protections, later their will be no protections like this. You will also be able to take tribe lands from people by force.