The accusations that people are wanting public bins because they're griefers that want to steal is so misguided, and kinda looks like trolling to me. As a crafter I am not having fun, if there is no risk involved. The risk of loosing stuff was one of the main reasons I bought this game.

There is a legitimate point in saying, that there are bigger issues out there, and that they should be looked at first.
However, there it also seems legitimate to point out, that some issues are more time consuming than others to fix. Adjusting the settings for baskets, seems to me to be fairly easy to change, and it would go along way for the PvPers. In that light, I would rather that they took a little time to change that, than working non-stop on other issues that wont be fixed for a month (guessing) anyway.

Also, while the lag-issues are a hassle, they are not nearly gamebreakers for me. I would much rather see more features implemented. And with that I agree with above posters, that 'trees' and 'animals' are above bins on my list.
My coding skills are very limited though, and I will leave it up to devs to figure out the optimal cost/benefit ratio of implementing different features. But I dont get why people get upset at others trying to adress the issue. The issue seems valid, and I dont see anything wrong with feeling out the community or devs on this problem. I would also like to know what the future plans are for this issue. Why is that so bad?
