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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by dxwarlock View Post
    with the issues of:
    lag, zones desyncs, tress not regrowing, none working tooltips, no decay on items, no tribe size auto adjust, the new stats and what they effect issues, and numerous other 'big' issues.

    not being able to get into someones random bag in the wild is the biggest game breaker for you?
    lol Agreed

  2. #2
    tribe size auto adjust works fine for me, gaining +10m per member. I know this for a fact as i check out my borders everytime i gain a member.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by fatboy21007 View Post
    tribe size auto adjust works fine for me, gaining +10m per member. I know this for a fact as i check out my borders everytime i gain a member.
    I mean the auto changing sizes..from band to clan to tribe. disbanding and having to reform to gain your new size to get your new radius is painful. they are suppose to be worknig on that also.

    wasnt a complain on my part for them to rush it, just stating that it is one, of a much bigger community complaint list, than a locked bag.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
    do you know that item decay for bins that are not protected by shelter are going to nuke most of those random bins people find.

    once that is turned on the bins being left in world wont be a issue, the dropping stuff for pvp will

    please stop making posts outside of that thread about that thread
    WHEN ????

    Have you seen how long stuff has been proposed without even the slightest bit of added content. Nothing has been added or implemented since 4 months before beta ended.

    Quote Originally Posted by dxwarlock View Post
    with the issues of:
    lag, zones desyncs, tress not regrowing, none working tooltips, no decay on items, no tribe size auto adjust, the new stats and what they effect issues, and numerous other 'big' issues.

    not being able to get into someones random bag in the wild is the biggest game breaker for you?
    by your own arguement deleting random bags not being used all over the world would help to solve some of your other noted problems.. lag and loading issues. It would help the economy and clean up the map as well.

    I don't care about the loot .. I have everything in this game I care to have.

    Quote Originally Posted by dxwarlock View Post
    I mean the auto changing sizes..from band to clan to tribe. disbanding and having to reform to gain your new size to get your new radius is painful. they are suppose to be worknig on that also.

    wasnt a complain on my part for them to rush it, just stating that it is one, of a much bigger community complaint list, than a locked bag.
    It's about game mechanics.. is this game going to cave to people that want easy mode... going directly against the games premise of being a fight for survival... a side benifit is what I've stated above about lag and less items to lead.. but it is relevant. You guys act like I am crying over a specific basket or like I am in need of items.. It has nothing to do with my intrests or wants of ingame items. this should also be a very easy fix.

    I am nore intrested if this is actually intended.. a bug.. or an unforseen action due to quick programing. I want an official responce. I am not demanding an instant fix.
    I want clarification.

    I cannot beleive you guys... no one in their right mind, would think a wallet dropped in the world would have a chance in hell of sitting out in the open for day and day with your green back protected.... hell no someone is probably goingt o grab your cash and run like hell.. if your lucky they will leave the wallet behind.

    Can you give me any real argueement as to why you think the devs inteded on random items in the world being secure.. or how that enhances game play. I feel like I am always spoon feeding you guys and all your replies are always shut up make it easy..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
    by your own argueement deleting random bags not being used all over the world would help to solve some of your other noted problems.. lag and loading issues. It would help the economy and clean up the map as well.

    I don't care about the loot .. I have everything in thhis game I care to have times about 100.
    depends, has it been proven that the bags are a large contributing factor to the zone desyncs and lag? if not, then starting 2 threads demanding a timeline on fixing issues that quite possibly aren't related to the biggest issue driving people off comes across as both misleading on the intent, and causing the shift of whats making the playerbase leave seems skewed as a small issue is portrayed as a higher priority.

    the reason behind why you wish bags lootable is no concern of mine. its no more or less valid than the complaints I have against other mechanics.

    but to convey it in a manner to agree with me in as "if they fix X, for me they fix Y for you so its in your best interest to agree with my request" when X and Y have not been proven related beyond theorycraft by armchair programmers isn't needed.

    not once in your thread about lootable bags has lag, or lack, of been a driving force behind your request.
    Random thieving inside an tribal area, taking abandoned bags, being able to take from bags found, and the cheap tactic people use of dropping when dying to lock it, has been the reasoning. Stay with with motivation behind your request you dont need to adapt it to appeal to the ones on the other side of the fence each time they bring a counter offer

    I'm merely stating they have bigger fish to fry than bag issues.


    Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
    It's about game mechanics.. is this game going to cave to people that want easy mode... going directly against the games premise of being a fight for survival... a side benifit is what I've stated above about lag and less items to lead.. but it is relevant. You guys act like I am crying over a specific basket or like I am in need of items.. It has nothing to do with my intrests or wants of ingame items. this should also be a very easy fix.

    I am nore intrested if this is actually intended.. a bug.. or an unforseen action due to quick programing. I want an official responce. I am not demanding an instant fix.
    I want clarification.

    I cannot beleive no one in their right mind would think a wallet dropped in the world would have a chance in hell of sitting out in the open for day and day with your green back protected.... hell no someone is probably goingt o grab your cash and run like hell.. if your lucky they will leave the wallet behind.

    Can you give me any real argument as to why do you think the devs inteded on random items in the world being secure.. or how that enahances game play.
    no i agree, its an issue that needs looking into, but your determination on getting it looked into is a personal the light of all the bugs, its a much smaller issue than getting the game running correctly to start with.

    which is what leads us to believe its a gamebreaking issue to you personally, as in your mind it requires 2 threads, and a hijack of a unrelated thread about polls to get it marked as "emergency fix needed!"

    Im not downplaying the need to fix it in anyway..again Im merely stating on the scale of big game killing issues that people are leaving over, I seriously doubt that its even in the top 10 of the reasons.

    let them fix the top 10, then move down the list.

    its equal to making multiple posts in rift about how you think the PvP random drop rate of items is too low, when the game has crash to desktop issues, lag issues, and people loosing character soul layouts to bugs.

  6. #6
    also your able to drop tribe at any time and drop a totem to get rid of the bags if there that much of a issue to you.

  7. #7
    It is a fundamental issue that bring several issues together. Items in the world directly correleates to loading lag (loading entitites tag)

    I have mentioend the need for clarification if this was intended or not hopeing to find an official responce. I think personally it is an exploit and I have yet to hear an official word about
    it one way or another.

    If it isn't an exploit is it working 100% as intended and is it going to change or not. I offer reason to why I think it shouldn't be that way.. all you two are offering is forum trolling.

    If the game is pandering to a few crafters that dont want to lose crafted items in the wilderness.. I am afaird to invest much more time and effort and feel alot better about making a decision before our subscription time runs out. I've raised alot of concern over permissions.. as it relates to bag permissions being exploited to prevent being looted.
    I've also mentioned premissions being exploited by dropping your main pack while fighting to aviod possible loss. As well as dropping a totem to avoid pvp alltogether in the middle of a fight. These things need to be fixed or your giving no reason to pvp at all.. so in turn alot of player like myself leave.. the game gets even more boreing and eventually fails.

    This game needs all kinds of players and play styles.. I am looking out for other people besides crafters intrests. Crafters already have working system... safe zones and things to stay busy with.. pvpers have broken weapons.. broken mechanics and no reason to fight currently.. and this is VIRTUS's own words "this is a pvp game, if you are out of the safe zone you are free game." It would seem like your left loot would be the same.

    And I would vote for loot decaying after a few hours in the wilderness .. that would be fine with me as well.

    You can't be serious xerb thinking that dropping a totem to look into a bag in the world is an intended mechanic.

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