There's a rumor going around our guild that macroing as long as your there to monitor and reply to a dev or mod is allowed. Can I please get verification on this by a dev or mod. Thanx.
There's a rumor going around our guild that macroing as long as your there to monitor and reply to a dev or mod is allowed. Can I please get verification on this by a dev or mod. Thanx.
I just posted a bout this also.
Im wondering whats up with this. I was of the opinion UN-attended macroing was not allowed, but attended where you respond to a guide or a dev, was ok.
It would be very hard to prove someone was macroing if they responded right away, I have a feeling they disapprove of it but could never really stop it.
No you are not allowed. Please read TOS closley and understand any form of macoring is against game policy.
I did read the the TOS, and under that, "Use of third party software that would give you or anyone else an advantage of any form." This would make vent illegal as well. That, and a guild member told me that a dev said it was ok, as long as your at your keyboard, but I can't find the post.
Except Virtus said differently in another thread. He said that assisted macroing was allowed. As long as you sit in front of the screen and is there to respond, you are free to liberate yourself from the carpal tunnel syndrome inducing aspects of this game.
Edit with link to that post:
Would be nice with a clarification, as I understand that Virtus is not a Guide - and they enforce the rules.
But as a public voice for the company, he could get some people in trouble if that is not true.