Taking a break like many, many others... For all the same reasons. Also playing MO, just subbed, and having a blast! Hoping for the best, I have faith in Xsyon!

Quote Originally Posted by MastaKane View Post
For one you basically just said UO in alpha stage was better than this game in its current stage. You had bear invasions, wow sounds way more exciting than sand castle builder. At least they had mobs in UO. Xsyon doesn't have anything to do. I stopped playing about 2 weeks ago and started playing MO. Another game that lacks content and has tons of bugs, but still way more fun than xsyon in its current state. There is absolutely nothing to do on Xsyon and the longer I am away from the game the more I realize this. This game already has a tiny production team and with everyone quitting this game their funds are only gonna get smaller. In my opinion this game will never take off, although I hope I am wrong.

Why am I posting this?

1. Mortal Online servers are down (Btw there's a 2 week free trial)

2. I like independent game companies and wish they would succeed

3. This game has great ideas, and if executed correctly it could be fun