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  1. #1

    You cant realistically fix this game imo

    its april 13th 2011 now c'mon...

    Theres not enough players, the world is way too big. Resources are plentiful everywhere.

    Why not just steal the addictive concepts from runescape at least? thats a simplistic game.

    Make the maps small, just have mining ores, like iron, tin and then rare stuff like mithril, adaminte, like in rs.

    Problem solved? its the only chance u got or this game is dead. just cut the map size by 3/4. and add rare mining crops.

  2. #2

    lol im tming that since Sheen got Winning...

    Honestly its a moot point fighting this...the kid want WOW on a subscribtion basis...yes...the money to pay the creators is from us...not EA..Funcom. CCP...or any others...gunna take some time...hell MY live was supposed to be April '10...didnt happen....havent payed a cent sence..Yet Ive had a FULL year of fun and ingame enterainment leanring the new updates....same will happen with you if you just look at yer account...NO ONE is paying shit till this game is up to Jooksters code...and he's one tough hard arse...

    I know a million of these posts pop...this is just the one I picked...heh

  3. #3
    Ive just started playing in the last week, im enjoying the game, when I have spoken to old clan mates from other games about it they are eager, however ive told them not to get it yet, at least until the lag is sorted, I know that alot of people would just get frustrated and give up due to that lag. If Zone lag can be sorted, and a trial period implimented I think this game will thrive through word of mouth alone. So many people want a game like this one, it has great concepts and so much potential on the PvP scale its unreal.

    Fix the lag, and the rest will follow tbh.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Risk View Post
    NO ONE is paying shit till this game is up to Jooksters code...
    Actually everyone who is playing has paid at least $40, many of them based on the promise that the game was almost done.

  5. #5
    why the ppls don't see how much is empty this game?

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen NexAnima's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Worcester, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeroam View Post
    its april 13th 2011 now c'mon...

    Theres not enough players, the world is way too big. Resources are plentiful everywhere.

    Why not just steal the addictive concepts from runescape at least? thats a simplistic game.

    Make the maps small, just have mining ores, like iron, tin and then rare stuff like mithril, adaminte, like in rs.

    Problem solved? its the only chance u got or this game is dead. just cut the map size by 3/4. and add rare mining crops.
    I disagree, there are many ways to boost the population for this game, it is far from doomed. Shrinking the map will only further diminish the population, Think of all the large tribes having to start over because you want to shrink the landmass. Do you think they will start over after all that? Most likely they will quit.

    Do they need more resources? Yea they do, that goes without saying. Do they need more skills active, yes. Do they need more mobs in the world, yes (which are coming next week). Combat needs a revamp, tribes need more ability's, trees and grass need to start growing again and politics need to be enable. All of these will help bring back the population.

    All of which are being worked on, it just depends if you have the patience to wait for it to come. Judging from the doom and gloom post, Perhaps you don't, feel free to check xsyon out in a few months.

  7. #7
    They are working on a huge patch atm; it will contain fixes (lag, border crossing, etc) and content of some sort (very hush hush).
    Give them the week or two they need to test it before people start figuring out ways to "fix" the game.

    And as far as materials, some are very rare at this moment; like trees.
    So there is resource scarcity to a lesser degree.
    And as junk piles start to deplete, may be a year from now even, those things will become more rare too

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeroam View Post
    its april 13th 2011 now c'mon...

    Theres not enough players, the world is way too big. Resources are plentiful everywhere.

    Why not just steal the addictive concepts from runescape at least? thats a simplistic game.

    Make the maps small, just have mining ores, like iron, tin and then rare stuff like mithril, adaminte, like in rs.

    Problem solved? its the only chance u got or this game is dead. just cut the map size by 3/4. and add rare mining crops.
    Wow..your ideas are horrid and better kept to yourself. IMO

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Ok so next week , lag gone, and trees are a rare commodity. animals back. i dont think thats enough to get ppl to log back in for a long period of time. Once the lag is fixed they need to start the war content where u can take over other homesteads if ur the bigger tribe through force etc. will that happen next week, hmm?>

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