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  1. #1

    Great Job on the Lag Fixes!

    Just wanted to report that the patch worked for me. Being located at the corner of four zones, a resource run for me, before the patch, involved crossing two zone line and waiting 3-5 minutes for everything to catch up each time. This morning, other than a slight drop in FPS, I don't even notice I'm crossing the zone lines.

    Great job guys! I look forward to the next few weeks.

    Oh, and just because it's sadly necessary on these forums...

    Disclaimer: The above is MY experience in game. I'm not claiming a miracle patch or a fix for everyone's issues in-game, performance or otherwise. >

  2. #2
    Definitely made zone transitions smoother.

    The animals.. ehh..

  3. #3
    Same for me, I live on the border of 3 zones, zone crossing meant 2 mins delay earlier. The patch fixed it, I get an FPS drop when crossing zones for like 1-2 secs, but no delay in actions at all. Very happy, finally I can visit my neighbours and scavanging is not a nightmare anymore

  4. #4
    Great job on the lag fixes!

    Really appreciate it. I was walking around today and found a couple of bears. Didn't usually find any at all even when the animals were in

  5. #5
    went and tested it out. seems to be working. GJ

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen caaahl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Germany, Potsdam
    I am kaputtmachaa and i approve this message.

  7. #7
    Did this fix the player desync that made you see others floating and lagging, and made pvp impossible or that is still being worked?

  8. #8
    Agreed, my lag hole is fixed too. What took about a minute lag before the patch is now a slight studder for a few seconds. Works fine for me.

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen caaahl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Germany, Potsdam
    btw, for me it seemed like loading the game was way quicker than before.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by caaahl View Post
    btw, for me it seemed like loading the game was way quicker than before.
    Same for me

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