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It occurs to me lately that the current state of Xsyon is similar to early american indians before folks started to immigrate to this continent.
For the most part, tribes were more about gathering resources and keeping their tribe healthy. As time went on and one tribe encroached upon another, skermishes would happen, but very few all out wars because it was just too costly for any tribe.
As the White Man moved in things changed. The very existence of all tribes were called into question. This motivated groups of tribes to band together at times to fend off what they saw as a threat to them and their way of life.
In Xsyon...
When tribes in one area see what they are threatened, then they will most likely bad together to some degree to fend off the threat.
When the game is more stable, animals are respawning regularly, when tribes run OUT of resources and need to find new resources so that they don't die as a tribe, when decay is on and quality matters, THEN there will be enough folks to fight, and it will actually mean something. Atm it seems some folks are frustrated this game is not what they personally want and it is starting to show in their comments and actions.
Yes, this is just a video game. but to me the evidence shows that this game is about getting prepared for what comes next and that although pvp is in game, it is not the main focus nor should it be for some time, if ever. Like in early indians times, pvp will become necessary from time to time, but will be more skermish.
The mere fact that they have done hardly anything with combat in this game says a lot for the mindset of the developers. This is NOT darkfall... This is NOT Mortal online.
Or does the evidence show you otherwise?