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  1. #1

    Something positive

    So decided it is time for a positive word. If I look back and think about the days after the final wipe then today's game works like sunshine. Back then if I wanted to pick up a log I had to wait 5 minutes before it appeared on my back. Okay we still have server crashes but I'm pretty sure that will be resolved soon. Most people probably don't realise how much effort went into the last patch that solved the zone to zone lag. I am here to stay.

  2. #2
    Keep lowering that bar so we can perpetuate the cycle...

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Threndor View Post
    So decided it is time for a positive word. If I look back and think about the days after the final wipe then today's game works like sunshine. Back then if I wanted to pick up a log I had to wait 5 minutes before it appeared on my back. Okay we still have server crashes but I'm pretty sure that will be resolved soon. Most people probably don't realise how much effort went into the last patch that solved the zone to zone lag. I am here to stay.
    Hmm, the something positive thread of this game consists of two lines of text......... Now someone list the negatives and compare!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by d3m0nd0 View Post
    Hmm, the something positive thread of this game consists of two lines of text......... Now someone list the negatives and compare!
    I wouldn't call it positive... Its like saying my new car doesn't stall as much as it did when I first got it.

  6. #6
    Mr. Hanover when you bought your car the manufacturer told you that the engine still needed to be tuned. And now your car is running smoothly, you keep blaming the manufacturer. So much negativity here, get a reality check.

  7. #7
    Of course theres alot of negativity, even you, king of positiveness, lord of the brightside, could only write 2 patheticly semi-positive lines about this game.

  8. #8
    I started this thread so people can write down the positive things they encounter in game. Just now I am doing some fishing and see the sun setting, the lake becomes green (I am close to the green mist). Today I learned a great deal about woodworking and right now I have to feed myself. Life is good.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Threndor View Post
    Mr. Hanover when you bought your car the manufacturer told you that the engine still needed to be tuned. And now your car is running smoothly, you keep blaming the manufacturer. So much negativity here, get a reality check.
    So how is that worthy of note or praise? I think it's rather absurd applauding the game finally being in a playable state. (technically) Wasn't that to be expected?

  10. #10
    It was to be expected and now it is. So what's eating you?

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