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  1. #1

    Perhaps you need more hand holding...

    Xsyon is a game set in a post apocalyptic setting, where we have all somehow survived, and don't remember much of the old world, or even how we survived... maybe its the radiation...

    From this setting what would you expect?

    Tutorials? Shoot, I didn't even remember my name so I made one up. My neighbors don't remember how to do anything either. We are figuring it out as we go.

    Hunting? I have killed a good number of animals, but they are very skiddish and seem to hide a lot... maybe they are afraid of us and are struggling too.

    New content? I can setup quests for my neighbors to come take part in to generate a bit of interaction with them, and I can simply trade for needed goods. There is no government, no benevolent aliens to guide us, no instruction manuals... just a few ragged patterns I found on a junk pile of what must have been a store of some kind way back in the old world. I think it is up to me to shape this new world.

    PvP? So far, I have been able to find many useful items out scavenging. I have all my needs met, so have been working with a few others to build a settlement were we all can feel safe. I have no need to take things from anyone else. I am NOT desperate nor have I run out of resources. Trees are getting scarce now, and that may be a problem in a few months. It's kinda weird though, because today I had a couple crazies come around and kill me. but instead of winking out, I soon woke up NOT dead. Still haven't figured it all out.

    I have heard a few wanting some great mystic power to grant them everything and teach them all knowledge so that they can feel powerful. Seems like maybe that is what got us all here in the first place.

    I don't need anyone to hold my hand. But maybe you do?

  2. #2
    the first step to recovery is admiting you have a problem.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy View Post
    the first step to recovery is admiting you have a problem.
    Wow. Talk about having a problem. Did that make you feel better IRL?

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Intensity in ten cities
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    PvP? So far, I have been able to find many useful items out scavenging. I have all my needs met, so have been working with a few others to build a settlement were we all can feel safe. I have no need to take things from anyone else. I am NOT desperate nor have I run out of resources.
    Amidst that inexplicable lecture, you just inadvertently put your finger on one of the #1 reasons this game is pointless right now.

  5. 04-19-2011, 09:57 AM

  6. 04-19-2011, 10:00 AM

  7. #5
    I don't think the issue is needing to be held by the hand so much as requiring at least a sliver of motivation to play.

    I could be quite wrong though about the latter. It seems that many are content with an interactive chat room.

  8. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirius View Post
    Amidst that inexplicable lecture, you just inadvertently put your finger on one of the #1 reasons this game is pointless right now.
    BINGO! Borrowing an idea from Claude Fischer, one of the key factors in forming effective community and neighborhood relationships is functional interdependence...We need to need and rely on one another for something before we will interact with one another

    At the moment, we all basically have our own personal Wal-Mart that can provide anything and everything we need. The only rare items are the ones that Wal-Mart doesn't carry...and no one has those...

  9. #7
    there aren't tutorials at play grounds for kids. you just take them and say stay between this fence and that fence.
    there isn't a tutorial at the beach
    there isn't a tutorial for when your a teenager home alone with your girl friend.......

    You just figure it out on your own and find something fun to do.

    I think people are just lazy which is why we need the mindless content generator kicking out randomized missions of Go here and find a Hammer to bring back here so i can make the flask that will be filled with magical water of the glowing ocean of Atlanta so that we can later make the tea for the old wizard that will grant us the gift of being able to wear pants.............

  10. #8
    ITT: People trying to rationalize broken and non-existent mechanics.

  11. #9
    Not rationalization... acceptance of realities that have been stated all along.

    This game is not what many of the most vocal wish it was, it was never a game meant be be like other games.

    It is not PVP focused, just has some pvp elements.

    It has always been said what prelude was about and that it's an indie game with low funding and small crew.

    What is it that people can't understand? If YOU developed this game and put forth the effort and sweat and tears, and MONEY, then you might have a point.

    To me personally, you didn't, so don't.

  12. #10
    There'll be less than a handful of players after the included playtime is over.

    Rationalize that.

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