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I search for hours at a time trying to find creatures to kill. So i now hear that a guide can spawn mobs to surround themselves for an event. So why cant they spawn mobs for us to kill? They dont have to be in front of me, just in my vacinity for me to find.
The lack of creatures to kill in this game is a real deal breaker. It destroys bonecrafting. It makes the game stagnant and a total waste of time if you spend an hour or 2 trying to find something to kill and you usually find nothing. On my most epic day i only found 1 bear and 2 coyotes after 2 hours searching.
Tell me one other game you have EVER played where you could not find a creature to kill on most occassions? This is honestly rediculous.
Now i know the naysayers will say - well i can find heaps of mobs to kill, there are heaps near me. Well good on you. You obviously do not live in 740. Since we went live i have not even seen 1 deer.
Either give us mobs or let the guides spawn them for us. This will personally make my life here in Xsyon so much more "bear"able - hehe, pardon the pun.