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  1. #1
    First off... San Dimas High School Football Rocks!

    More importantly, well written and well said. Thanks. Good read.

    Central message is spot on, imho. I will endeavor to keep it in mind, particularly when frustration and tempers flare.

  2. #2
    I think the pill was hard to swallow for some people, that this was not a professional endeavor into the sandbox mmo realm, but more along the lines of someone's personal hobby. All the hype invested festered and turned into a rage equally potent due to Jordi's shortcomings, both in terms of technical ability and public relations (gaffe).

    While I admire those who choose to carry this game through it's darkest hour, it truly shouldn't be expected of anyone. Many would rather hold their "donations" for something like Tsunami relief or Cancer research and stick to purely having fun with games. Crazy, I know. :P

  3. #3
    Armand, I hear you. But the thing is, I don't expect it of anyone. And you've been pretty constructive that I've seen, although I haven't tracked your every post (but we've been neighbors in game).

    What I want is for the folks who are flaming on extra-narsty to reflect that this might be more about them. If you don't like the game, and you don't like that it's an indy with a small staff on at least two continents, and you don't want a community-discovery sandbox campaign (I've described this as "A Tale in the Desert goes native"), then isn't there one of two choices?

    (a) Realize that you were, whether due to Jordi's folks or due to your own preconceptions, brought into the game with ideas that were not matching what the game is, and is likely to be for the indeterminate future, and let the f* go, or;

    (b) (Wo)Man up, and make it work for what it is, and grow enough dev, community, and market support so that the thing can reach potential.

    The flaming on these forums ranges, for the most part, from neurotic to psychotic. I really really really want people to prove to me that this isn't just a symptom of sandbox communities. ATITD and Eve say "not necessarily." Second Life and to some extent SWG, not so much. So if we are building a community culture, wouldn't you rather be, Eve/ATITD?

    And if you don't, what *DO* you want? A pound of Jordi's flesh? C'mon! If you hate it, if you think it's "unprofessional" (excuse me, but SOE is polished and professional and also rat-bastard goons who don't care about game communities except as they dully perceive bottom line interests; Blizzard has gone from a great games company to a conglomerate subdivision trying to be the Disney of games,...) -- then leave, and find the Next Big Thing Flavor of the Month. If you don't *like* rocky road ice cream, don't tell everyone rocky road sux because it ain't vanilla.

    Whatever the hype was, and whatever the current transparency is (and I have had a few things to say about that elsewhere) it is what it is, and you can make it better, or you can spoil it for those of us who are trying to make it better, in which case -- I say your choice of game (that is, spoiling mine) is really questionable, and you might want to consider what it is that makes you choose that game?

  4. #4
    another good post ani. you must got alot on ur mind!. btw ill try n be ingame soon. Seems i have gotten addicted to the LOST (tv show)

  5. #5
    Well put, shava, thank you.
    I sometimes think that MMO players don't even deserve their dream game...some of us are so extremely impatient and unforgiving. All of the really good games started small and buggy.

  6. #6
    I totally agree. And very well put.
    I was there for SWG, and I am one of those still crying about the ruin. I can be a real hater irl, but when sub'ing to this forum, I was really amazed by the anger in the air. I was impressed that people seemed to be well articulate, but surprised at the tone. People really insult each others intelligence and linguistic capabilities alot here. With such a hostile environment, many will prolly never dare to post on the forums, which obviously aint good for the community.
    I have a lot of negative things to say about the game, but seeing that everyone are aware of it all, and drawing on experience that positive feedback motivates far more then negative feedback, I opt to keep a positive and somewhat optimistic tone. In that faint hope that this will come to be 'that game'. I'm glad (some) others feel the same.

  7. #7
    I appreciate your posts Ani. Well said and if nothing else maybe you have gotten the over emotional to settle a bit.

    I really enjoy this game. I will be here for as long as it continues and i enjoy it.

    It is just a game folks. Why all the emo reactions? it is a small game with HUGE potential.

    Yeah they have not pulled off everything that they hope to ... YET. can't wait? maybe YOU don't fit this game.

    Like you, I worry much less about those that rage quit, and more about those that in game, in irc and on the forums rage destroy the very thing they claim to love. Out of frustration that they have not gotten what they demanded, like a small child they throw fits, and their conduct displays who and what they are.

    The end though is what you describe... the end of potential players coming here and finding a fun gem of a game. All due to folks purposefully driving away the very thing that could get them what they are after ... paying customers that help fund this Indy game into the future.

    These vitriolic mouths are what WILL kill this game. It has much better game play than any game I was playing in 2003. Example Horizons... great crafting and fun world where you could permanently make your mark... It had much less going for it than this game and folks including myself played for years ( 6+ for me )

    So it's time to just take a deep breath folks. Work on your skills, and stats. Try something new. Make yourselves the core of a great game, not the core of the players that killed it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    The end though is what you describe... the end of potential players coming here and finding a fun gem of a game. All due to folks purposefully driving away the very thing that could get them what they are after ... paying customers that help fund this Indy game into the future.

    These vitriolic mouths are what WILL kill this game
    Rubbish!!! Ultimately, the games success or failure rests solely on the developers.

  9. #9
    Money spent at the Strippers last friday = $50, time spent enjoying the strippers: 1hrs
    Money spent on the game Dungeon Keeper = $44.99, time spent enjoying Dungeon Keeper 10hrs.
    Money spent on Xsyon : $40.00, time spent enjoying Xsyon 300hrs and counting.

    Xsyon > Strippers.

    Enough said.

  10. #10
    It IS easter weekend... give them a break for that.

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