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  1. #1

    Twohan - The Proud Owner of Easter Bunny's Head!

    Congratulations to Twohan!

    He managed to find the Easter Bunny's Head and traversed the land to collect his well earned reward.

    After a short trip back to his Camp, we celebrated with him and wished him luck in the future.

    See attachments for a screen shot of the lucky player!

    Hopefully now the Easter Bunny's Head can rest in peace!

    There are still plenty of baskets in-game that are waiting to be found, and I will leave them in for the community to find as they explore.

    Once again, Congratulations to Twohan, and congratulations to those many players who found any of the other baskets which also contained useful and rare items.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Congrats Twohan!

  4. #4
    Nicely done Twohan

  5. #5
    Thanks everyone. This was a fun event. Many Thanks to GuideRaguel who spent much time and effort putting the reward together and getting it and me safely back to the homestead.

    In Game: Twohan

  6. #6
    Job well done Twohan......who better to have it than you!!

  7. #7
    what did you get from turning it in?

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