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  1. #1
    This weeks post break down. Ready?

    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    I don't represent the entire playground. I do represent most of us however, when it comes to their opinion on this issue.
    How did you get the data that you repersent most? Also can you show me the data? So far I can see in this forum thread here MOST people agree that there should be LESS safe area. Which would disagree with your post. Just using this forum thread here. So there is my data. Im not even going as far to say that most agree with me. Im just saying that your numbers are not right and just 100% made up. Please show me where you can even remotely get 90% of the people agree with you. Or how you got that number.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    You can CLEARLY see by the post from the new developer that a good amount of the ideas in this thread are what will be implemented. Note I posted this 2 1/2 hours before he did, so it's not like I went and copied what he said. Shit, he even calls it the HOME zone...
    Clearly the Dev posted and read other posts, we already knew from what was put out MARCH 5th how the system was going work, the new Dev is simply supporting that new system. However, my disagreement and many others (Note I didnt give % nor say most) dont like that and thus are stating why its a bad idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    Case and point. I find it HILARIOUS its just DDT, Hanover and Dubanka who seem to never get off this forum....the least you can do if you are going to be on the forum so often is be CONSTRUCTIVE and not an asshole...really.
    We are constructive, read our posts again and see we do not only offer our opinions and express how we do not like something, we also offer ways to fix it to how we do like it. Those are called IDEAS. Many are well thought out. I dont even post full detailed posts because its a waste of time falling on deaf ears when the system that gets put in place if it were changed is likely not even using any part of the system I said. Sometimes it works out sometimes it doesnt.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    You are STILL missing the point. And as the DevDanathur posted, home totems will be safe and expansion totems will work in pretty much the same way that I thought would be good for the game
    Ive pointed out WHY thats a bad idea a few times already but I can post it here again.
    Why? Because placing a safe totem wherever you want, whenever you want can be exploited. You will have tribes that claim rare resources, or place totems to stop another tribe's growth. With NOTHING the other tribes can do. Its every exploitable which is NOT good. Safe areas should be preset by the devs and limited in resources. (Hmmm starting to sound like what the new dev is saying isnt it?)

    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    If these douche bags move in next to you, DEFEND AGAINST THE GRIEF or MOVE. OR attack the hell out of the griefers until THEY get pissed and move. Sorry to say that hardly anyone agrees with all land being capture able. Come to think of it, I can only think of three...
    Saying you are going to "Defend against it" isnt saying HOW you going to defend against it. Plus if "moving" is such an ez option then why not allow take over of totems? According to you if someone has to MOVE then they will quit.
    You cant say that "Hardly" because 1) few people playing post on the forums its only a small %, 2) is the fact you didnt even add up the numbers of people that agree with you. Plus your numbers that DISAGREE are wrong. I would go count but its pointless see reason #1.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    How would there be constant PvP when you have destroyed all their buildings, looted all their items and camp their resources? there would be temporary PvP and then removal of the totem by the tribe leader because they are sick of not having any progress
    So says you, first why would an attacking tribe destroy all the buildings if they were going to claim a totem? Next if destruction is put in right, it would take a long time to take out someone elses stuff, thus making it long process and make for constant PVP. Now having said that, I expect more items and tools to be in place to take out buildings/walls/gates faster, which would also create a need for resources for those tools. Im guessing some kinda catapult or ram. These tools and items would take time to make.
    Anyways clearly what you are saying makes no sense. Most likely people that are getting attacked would 1)defend it, 2)call for help to defend it, 3)work out a deal with the attackers 4)move, 5)quit the game. In that order. Not "Im going to kill myself and quit" pretty sure Ive played enough pvp games to know thats the last option.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    If home totems could be stolen I would even bother building on my tribe lands. I would just go capture other people's who have put in all the work for me. Cmon, now, you REALLY don't see the problem with that system?
    2 problems with that. 1)If you didnt build it yourself the you wouldnt get the location you wanted nor would the plans be correctly built how you wanted. 2)You would also have the skills to TAKE a totem from someone when defense is (and should be) easier.

    So why not build up a totem, and defend it? That would be a lot easier and if you are a "crafting" guild at heart the normal thing to do.
    If you dont piss of people, and make good plans for defense you shouldnt have any problems at all. But somehow I doubt thats your mindset. Likely you will have tons of people knocking on your door.

    Also dont forget in your idea of "Taking a totem" that you didnt build up. You would still then have to defend it.

  2. #2
    No one can prove any numbers, no one can say that he/she represents the community. Some vocal person on the forum doesn't represent anything. If Jordi ever wants to know his customers' opinion he has to make a survey by email, like the one he already did. Thats the only way to know how players really feel about this question.

    He promised that he won't force us into a war game, where the original city totems can be attacked even if the owner don't want to participate in it. I bought the game knowing this, I hope he will stick to his word. This is a gamebreaker issue for me and many others, if he does decide to make a wargame then its time start a new server for the ones who don't want it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    No one can prove any numbers, no one can say that he/she represents the community. Some vocal person on the forum doesn't represent anything. If Jordi ever wants to know his customers' opinion he has to make a survey by email, like the one he already did. Thats the only way to know how players really feel about this question.

    He promised that he won't force us into a war game, where the original city totems can be attacked even if the owner don't want to participate in it. I bought the game knowing this, I hope he will stick to his word. This is a gamebreaker issue for me and many others, if he does decide to make a wargame then its time start a new server for the ones who don't want it.
    Ive still yet to see this word he promised you.

    Also many others will quit if there are safe zones anywhere in the world. That just the dumbest idea and as said many times so exploitable. It makes no sense.

    New server would kill the game for BOTH servers as the game cant even support 1 server.

    Really comes down to you are pretty much (like many of your type say) "My way or Im leaving" while others are saying "What would make this work?".

    Your choice is my way, or the game is doomed, or something that wouldnt work. Others are giving good ideas and ways to work around it, and even compromising.
    I dont want to get into the whole debate again of "How the game was meant" Im to the point now, that you are just making stuff up, or misunderstanding Ive shown the data many times. But Im to the point now of lets just move on and make the choice for what will work.

    My idea, and seems like most people. Is the idea of a safe area that is limited in resources, and cant be places anywhere, it would be near the starting "home" lands.
    I think that's a good mix and will likely work out well.

  4. #4
    Clearly "this" version isn't working and adding more fluff to "this" version isn't going to help. Its time to move the game in a new and more prosperous direction.

  5. #5
    I think it might be helpful to remember that a lot of gamers nowadays are casual gamers with very busy lives.

    They have a mortgage, car payments, children with tuition funds, pets, wives, husbands, mistresses, misters, etc.

    You're not going to hear that much on the forums from these folks, because they feel lucky when they get a few minutes to read the forums on their iphone in the bathroom between meetings. Not much time to craft a post at all.

    They do log in, and are often thankful for the brief escape. They do pay their bills, same as those who log in very often, but don't put very much stress on the server from a relative point of view.

    Many of these folks don't want more drama or a virtual soap opera because of all the real life things they have to fill that need.

    I think, with humble respect, sometimes the very vocal minority come to believe they are a majority because they hear their own echo and assume everyone is saying the same as they are.

    Speaking of prosperity, the casual gamer is a great demographic. They are not particularly fickle. They take a long time to exhaust all facets of a game because they don't have much time to play.
    $15 a month to them is saying "By jobe I'm spending this on myself" and is actually a welcomed luxury rather than something to bitch about.

    They don't have time to complain on forums, they move on to the kid trying to light the furnace and wait for devs to figure it out.

    Over the years, there have been many instances where these folks log on to find that the very vocal minority had their echoes amplified to the powers that be and the game has changed to the point they no longer want to be there.
    It's happened many times. I hope, and think, the developers themselves are very busy, understand this demographic very well, and have perhaps been there themselves.

    Thanks for the eyes and grey cells if you read this

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    I think it might be helpful to remember that a lot of gamers nowadays are casual gamers with very busy lives.

    They have a mortgage, car payments, children with tuition funds, pets, wives, husbands, mistresses, misters, etc.

    You're not going to hear that much on the forums from these folks, because they feel lucky when they get a few minutes to read the forums on their iphone in the bathroom between meetings. Not much time to craft a post at all.

    They do log in, and are often thankful for the brief escape. They do pay their bills, same as those who log in very often, but don't put very much stress on the server from a relative point of view.

    Many of these folks don't want more drama or a virtual soap opera because of all the real life things they have to fill that need.

    I think, with humble respect, sometimes the very vocal minority come to believe they are a majority because they hear their own echo and assume everyone is saying the same as they are.

    Speaking of prosperity, the casual gamer is a great demographic. They are not particularly fickle. They take a long time to exhaust all facets of a game because they don't have much time to play.
    $15 a month to them is saying "By jobe I'm spending this on myself" and is actually a welcomed luxury rather than something to bitch about.

    They don't have time to complain on forums, they move on to the kid trying to light the furnace and wait for devs to figure it out.

    Over the years, there have been many instances where these folks log on to find that the very vocal minority had their echoes amplified to the powers that be and the game has changed to the point they no longer want to be there.
    It's happened many times. I hope, and think, the developers themselves are very busy, understand this demographic very well, and have perhaps been there themselves.

    Thanks for the eyes and grey cells if you read this
    This is very true, but also true the other way. Where they log onto the forums and find that people speaking there have been voicing their own concerns or thoughts.

    Point is that forums is not the only way to have people heard from the masses. Key is for the devs to think of what they want with the game and use ideas from players, to put that into play. Which is one thing I think Jordi has been doing well.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Ive still yet to see this word he promised you.

    Also many others will quit if there are safe zones anywhere in the world. That just the dumbest idea and as said many times so exploitable. It makes no sense.

    New server would kill the game for BOTH servers as the game cant even support 1 server.

    Really comes down to you are pretty much (like many of your type say) "My way or Im leaving" while others are saying "What would make this work?".

    Your choice is my way, or the game is doomed, or something that wouldnt work. Others are giving good ideas and ways to work around it, and even compromising.
    I dont want to get into the whole debate again of "How the game was meant" Im to the point now, that you are just making stuff up, or misunderstanding Ive shown the data many times. But Im to the point now of lets just move on and make the choice for what will work.

    My idea, and seems like most people. Is the idea of a safe area that is limited in resources, and cant be places anywhere, it would be near the starting "home" lands.
    I think that's a good mix and will likely work out well.
    Ok. This is a FAQ answer from May 2010.
    Player raids and wars is tricky. The current plan is safe towns, but we do plan to allow tribes to conquer other tribes in the future. This will be set up with mutual agreement. In other words tribes can choose to engage in warfare or not. If they choose not to, they can’t attack other tribes.

    It’s really planned as an evolution based on the community. The goal is to accommodate different communities and I’ve considered two separate servers / worlds if needed.
    This is another FAQ answer from February 2011.
    2) After Prelude the game will evolve with the community. I am not going to force submit players into a war game. The plan is to allow warring tribes but not require it. The likely plan is a split on two servers, one more war oriented.
    I honestly don't care if you believe it or not. These were answers for customers who said they would only buy the game if the warfare will be optional. They got these answers so they bought it.

    I'm all for developers placed safe zones, and some rare stuffs in the PvP zone. Split the map, 50% PvP zone, 50% safe zone, make the safe zone area totally viable too and don't make us feel like we were some second class customers and I'm fine.

    I don't care if you think 2 servers were bad. Personally I think it would work well. PvP players would come back since they got the game they wanted, without safe zones and with warfare. A lot of player who haven't even touched the game because of open PvP would come and happily play on the PvE server. The game could get way more customers.

    If you are so sure that the main part of the population would choose the PvP one then why do you care ?

    You guys try to change the game. Thats ok, I can understand that. But in that case change it for yourself, and not for everyone who likes the original plan.

    And don't call it a compromise if you say that one type of players can get the 7% of the game, and the other type gets 93%.That is not a compromise, its an insult.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    And don't call it a compromise if you say that one type of players can get the 7% of the game, and the other type gets 93%.That is not a compromise, its an insult.
    Actually your picking and choosing your quotes. that was a quote on one day, then the next day he stated something else.

    The Safe zone is around your totem, that's the safe zone you get, that safe zone wont go away when prelude ends, your never going to be able to loose your starting homestead/tribe/band/what ever zone. its the conquest totems that will be raid-able/capturable/whatever.

    I'm not for a 100% safe zone server, neither am i for a 100% no safe zone server.

    I believe that both the pvp and non pvp player can coexist, its ironic because games like this give you more chance to play out the whole, its dangerous to take route A because of gankers(bandits) but if i hire guards to help me transport X resources to this village ill get Y.

    but yet again this looks like another case of Massively Multiplayer Online Single player chat room syndrome. yes you dont want to be bothered by people, yes you want to be a lonely hermit that never has to interact with anyone and yes you pay 14.95/mo for a glorified chat room.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri View Post
    The Safe zone is around your totem, that's the safe zone you get, that safe zone wont go away when prelude ends, your never going to be able to loose your starting homestead/tribe/band/what ever zone. its the conquest totems that will be raid-able/capturable/whatever.
    Yes. And this is what MrDDT try to change. I'm fine with this setup, its him who is not.

    I'm not a hermit, never wanted to be. I play MMOs to play with others, but interaction doesn't mean killing-being killed. You know, things like trading, group hunting, helping each others out...if someone doesn't want to PvP that doesn't mean he/she is less social, actually it means the opposite. You can't make friends in a game if you always kill the other player on sight, lol.

  10. #10
    Right but at the same time taking away that opportunity for some jack ass to come in and randomly start attacking people is something i would rather keep because then that jack ass could get hunted down and killed. This actually did happen over in Cedderat the other day.

    The home safe zone thing is something im 50/50 on. I have played games with a pvp flagging system(neocron/fallen earth/starwars galaxies), and that lead to more gankers than ones where it was just pvp all the time.

    right now the way it is im personally fine with, we know there going to add more totem types and one of those will be for expansion and will be attack able. lets wait and see how its implemented before we get the arm chair developer hats on.

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