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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
    How can I misrepresent this game by simply stating my perspective.

    I do not have the same view as some here, and quite frankly thats a good thing. I am worried about many of the same things as you guys, but have been in games for years that were not as good as this game IS in its current state
    Not something to brag about. Perhaps others are less tolerant of bad games than you are?

    ... and then we learn that the game will get better, my concerns are known and being addressed and I may very well get exactly what I want...
    When did we learn "that the game will get better"?
    I admit I am new here, but I have some idea of what the claims were for release. Claims which were off by a very great degree.

    And you think I'M misrepresenting things? How about a bit of balance my friend. Your perspective seems jaded by unfulfilled desires.

    If I speak of my emotions not being childish, its more an attempt to encourage folks to act their ages, than to point at any individual.
    See, there it is again. Just avoid the name-calling altogether. We`re not here for you to make us better people.

  2. #42
    Welcome to the meat grinder!

    My theory of game system design:
    1. It works well
    2. It's fun
    3. It's easy to code.

    You get to pick two.


  3. #43
    Welcome aboard!

    Thanks for the info. It was fun to read

    Hope your job turns out to be as fun as it sounds!

  4. #44
    welcome!. Glad to see some info on whats going on. Just very curious of the totem expansio(how big it can be) and will tribes have an option to op out of wars/seiges?

  5. #45

    I suppose i could just call you Wang assuming thats your ingame name as well, and i may be wrong, but i do know about the New Quahog tribe. I know one of them was bitching like ive not heard in a long time when they lost fair and square in a Guide event against players that played smarted than them.

    Story time:

    A guide made an announcement of a pvp tourney, battle royale, starting all of a sudden. All who wanted to participate were teleported to the battle area. The only rules the guide stated: no looting. All else was fair game.

    The battle commenced, with a small horde of bears spawned in the middle of us to spice things up. I retreated behind some rocks, went into hiding, and playclawed the vast majority of the fight of players versus players versus bears. A triad of players, however, chose not to engage the bears, or each other. Tryste, Agayek, and Wang were the triad.

    They defended a platform unreachable by bears. All who approached it, they 3v1d, myself included. They did not kill me, as my playclaw records would show. I went back into hiding and let the bears and players kill each other until only the triad, New Quahog, were left. When it was supposed that this "team" had won a FFA, the guide demanded they kill each other. I stayed in hiding.

    Wang died, then Agayek died. Wang claimed "tryste won" just as both I, and an unknown fellow-hidden contender named Jenny, emerged to finish Tryste off. I backed off when i saw Jenny, i let her kill Tryste, and then she engaged a guy i think by the name of Canaan. Eventually she killed Canaan(or at least ran him off), and then we battled and she killed me too. She won the tournament fair and square. The guide even said himself "bravery or honesty was not a rule".

    Meanwhile, back in IRC, someone by the name of "lol", representing New Quahog, was bitching endlessly about how unfair it was that their team of 3 failed to outlast or outplay 3 soloers that hid and waited for the right time to strike. They claimed they killed me. They claimed they killed Jenny. The guides checked the game logs and Jenny was never killed, and my playclaw proves i was never killed until Jenny beat me. In IRC, it was only one New Quahog member, "lol", that was crying furiously about how bad the event was, how terrible the guide did the event, etc. Im sure he made his tribe proud with his IRC tears.

    Now it seems another New Quahog has more complaints to make about the game and the new developer.

    The point being -- New Quahog seems to be a breeding ground for people who like to bitch moan and complain, and when they dont get their way, they cry about how unfair it is and how bad this game is and how bad the devs or the guides or whom ever is at their job.

    So, Danathur, don't take what they say very seriously because they will likely complain about anything under the sun that doesn't go their way because they've likely never faced any life challenges until this very moment and they don't know how else to react to things not going their way. Many of us have faith you can only do some good around here, please dont be discouraged by these players.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by ColonelTEE3 View Post
    So, Danathur, don't take what they say very seriously because they will likely complain about anything under the sun that doesn't go their way because they've likely never faced any life challenges until this very moment and they don't know how else to react to things not going their way. Many of us have faith you can only do some good around here, please dont be discouraged by these players.
    Your post is far from constructive ... You crited us with wall of text about something that is not even remotely important or connected to this thread... spiting on other ppl ... also called as spam post imo.

    Don't take what they say very seriously ??? WTF? He is a costumer and he payed so he have every right to say what he thinks and to be taken seriously even if you don't agree with him.

    I also noted that Danathur wroted down that he is inexperienced as designer (maybe not the smartest thing to do but I admire cose he have courage to say truth and I hope it will not change).

    Sooo to wrap up this post - Lets don't judge book by covers- Give a man a chance to do something before you judge him - only time will tell (but have in mind there is no much time left cose I'm not planing to pay for something that is far from finished plus I'm fooled once for paying beta - this is still beta - don't fool me twice...)


  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Eduard View Post
    Your post is far from constructive ... You crited us with wall of text about something that is not even remotely important or connected to this thread... spiting on other ppl ... also called as spam post imo.

    Don't take what they say very seriously ??? WTF? He is a costumer and he payed so he have every right to say what he thinks and to be taken seriously even if you don't agree with him.

    I also noted that Danathur wroted down that he is inexperienced as designer (maybe not the smartest thing to do but I admire cose he have courage to say truth and I hope it will not change).

    Sooo to wrap up this post - Lets don't judge book by covers- Give a man a chance to do something before you judge him - only time will tell (but have in mind there is no much time left cose I'm not planing to pay for something that is far from finished plus I'm fooled once for paying beta - this is still beta - don't fool me twice pls.)

    Its constructive in reassuring Danathur there are players who never have anything to say about this game, the guides or the devs except bad things. He shouldn't internalize it abut it sounded like that guy got to him from his last post.

    Im absolutely astounded at some of the things these players say to people who are doing their best to meet the demands of an already impatient community. Humility is a virtue many in this forum lack and id rather not see it further demoralize guides and devs from trying to bring some good into this game. The guide that hosted that event got spit in his face for doing something for the community, that he didn't have to. He knew the population was low and overall the game's spirit is weakening, so he tried to bring some fun into the world -- and they complain about it, insult the guides for trying because they didnt get pixels out of it.

    This new dev shows up -- a very welcomed dev in a time of this games development where we are all eagerly hoping for this game to succeed and grow -- and wang just starts an argument with him about his qualifications on his own introduction thread?. The guy is being modest about his ability and wang insults him for it.

    Defend these people if you must but they aren't worth the time.

  8. #48
    I don't defend anyone here (even if it looks like it) believe me, and I want all the best for a game and I'm willing to help however I can BUT we need to stay real also - living in a dream that something will turn right only by good intentions is delusion.

    If something is wrong you need to realize first its wrong before you are able to fix it. And who is better to point that something is wrong if not your costumers - you build game for costumers to be happy (for entertaining in free time) so you can make money and live from something that you love to do.
    I'm promoting this game in my country as much as I can (I'm old gamer who was more then once in gaming magazines with my guild SCUM) but to do so I need to say something good about game - only thing atm that is absolute truth here is that this is far from finished (even not playable if you are not Sim City/Sims fan) ...
    I'm all about being positive dont get me wrong but you also need to stay real and realize current situation.

    In the end I believe in this game - game with infinite potential - I just hope it will not finish like Conan (released to early with to many bugs).


  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by oneyedwang View Post
    What a lovely passively aggressive response to a legitimate gripe about bringing in people with a lack of experience to a game that is in need of people who have it.

    Since you are clearly one in need of constructive criticism even from anonymous people over the internet let me give you some. I think the general tone of my post is that notorious is a mess atm and bringing in more inexperienced personnel is a wonderful idea.

    Here are a few of the things that I'll list

    There is no communication with us or internally about what content is coming and when. Your own lead tester doesn't even know if there will be a patch until a mere hour or two and he's the guy who is testing all this that wreaks of poor communication internally.

    The list of things for us to expect over the next couple of months shows me there are 20-30 projects that were half completed leading me to believe there were no goals set and people were spreading their time working on multiple projects at once. Which is ok except it looks like they never finished anything.

    The two russians that were hired are in charge of core concepts of a game that is having a large number of issues and we have no information on whether they've even worked on something similar.
    Then the one new guy we do get information on is an accountant who likes to code.

    That should about sum it up and in such a neat little way for such a passive aggressive gentleman like yourself.

    As for me or others wanting to help you "fix" the game. This has been going on for months with little to show in the way of progress as a matter of fact the game has progressively gotten worse since beta. It's less stable more laggy, there are no animals, trees and the combat system is in need of short term changes to stabilize the current system and a complete overhaul to achieve an enjoyable experience that falls inline with what ever internal vision you guys have.

    How am I doing so far?

    If you need any further information about flaws or various draw backs I'd be glad to help you out. As for my frustration in my earlier post, I'm sure you're excited about this opportunity but as for me it looks like another misstep by a game who constantly half ass'ed things and lacks any semblance of communication both internally and with it's customers.

    Heres a list of books to help you out
    What a waste of space this was. His passive aggressive response was absolutely the ideal way to respond to the first douche bag he encountered on the forums.

  10. #50
    It is not the 'job' of paying customers to fix or promote that for which they are paying. It is their right to express disatisfaction with a defective product or service.

    It is the job of those who are being paid to please their customers, lest they stop paying.

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