Quote Originally Posted by Mactavendish View Post
How can I misrepresent this game by simply stating my perspective.

I do not have the same view as some here, and quite frankly thats a good thing. I am worried about many of the same things as you guys, but have been in games for years that were not as good as this game IS in its current state
Not something to brag about. Perhaps others are less tolerant of bad games than you are?

... and then we learn that the game will get better, my concerns are known and being addressed and I may very well get exactly what I want...
When did we learn "that the game will get better"?
I admit I am new here, but I have some idea of what the claims were for release. Claims which were off by a very great degree.

And you think I'M misrepresenting things? How about a bit of balance my friend. Your perspective seems jaded by unfulfilled desires.

If I speak of my emotions not being childish, its more an attempt to encourage folks to act their ages, than to point at any individual.
See, there it is again. Just avoid the name-calling altogether. We`re not here for you to make us better people.