Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
Funny is how your second paragraph conflicts with your first.
You crying about "Open PVP" change it, yet you then saying "Announce it and the players who likes the features will come".

I agree with the second not the first.

Jordi should stay true to his ideas. Use the players to bounce, test, and help with ideas that work with what he wants.
If he wants no pvp. Then fine. But if you want something else you have to have a good system in place to support it.
Im not going to sit here and say "Everyone wants this, or that", nor will you see me saying "Everyone is going to quit if you dont do X"

But I can tell you, that doing something 1/2 way isnt a good idea. That doesnt mean making FULL LOOT no hold bars, no safe areas, no protections etc is going to work for open PVP.
You need a system in place that has checks and balances. Some games do it well others dont. Even Darkfall is starting to get the idea much better, and oddly its seeing more people playing it. (I think its more than one reason).

Its people like you tossing out "Im going to quit if I dont get my way, and so are most" is where you dont get a good debate. You cant back your points with anything other than "We will quit if we dont get our way".

Dont forget this is Jordi's baby. He knows what he wants out of the game, and I dont think its just tons of people playing a game. I think its a lot more than that. He has ideas that are not even close to coming out due to all the issues the game has been having.
Im sure he wants people to play, but I dont think he is expecting to pull millions of people. He is looking for the people that want to play a game the way he wants it made. Jordi doesnt have all the ideas or fixes for every problem. Which is why sometimes its up to players to help him on his road.
But telling him to change or you will quit, isnt helpful.

After having talked about it, I like his new system with 1 major flaw, protecting anywhere/anytime type of tribes. Ive said it before. Limit the areas with limited resources will please both PVPers, and PVEers, and protect new players.
Of course you wont make everyone happy. I doubt there is ANY choice for that. If you can think of one please tell. Ive yet to see it.
Great thinking, +1