There was no one in my zone yesterday for hours or at least no one who would answer my pleas in local chat (821). So I decided to ask for help in help chat since I was so lonely GuideMihr responded fast and I asked him to spawn some animals for me since I was bored and lonely. And guess what! He did it. 6 bears and 7 deer mules later I was a happy puppy hauling my bones back to my camp. Ok he didn't spawn them direcly in front of me, I had to run my ass off first to find them all (that would be too much wouldn't it?)

Thanks Mihr, and thanks Xsyon for allowing your guides to help the game in active way rather then to pull a CCP "our logs show nothing" or Sony's "all your credit card data belong to us" stunts all day long.

Now if we could get zombies and guides going around spawning zombie outbreaks around camps that are forced to defend themselves.