Quote Originally Posted by joexxxz View Post
Lol I never sad that. The more players in your base, the less offline defense you got.

Let say a tribe have 2 members now.
Offline defense system is 10,000% - 150% for each member offline.
I said minus here not plus lol

Sorry I missuderstood.

Well same problem.

Tribe A vs Tribe C.

Tribe A has 30 people attacking Tribe C at 30 people.

Best thing for Tribe C to do is make Tribe D with 19 members and leave 1 member in Tribe C.
Now Tribe D defends Tribe C's area at 10k% - 300% instead of 10k% - 6000%

So even big clans can act like little ones, and get past the offline issue.

Sorta of a good idea, but still not right. I agree you can do something like this but still the key comes in rewarding people to be allies, but also punishing them with some type of resource used or something.