Quote Originally Posted by Arkonick View Post
What points you are over looking every time here is what I keep getting from you every time you post. You think pve players should have limited armor and weapons even tho you don't have a issue with them having huge safe areas they can have fun in. The one problem you want address is the pve side. They might not like to pvp dosn't mean they don't like to fight. Pve player prefiers npc's cause they have a choice so limiting there armor and weapons is dum. They want to fight epic mobs but they want it to be npc's cause they have the choice to run from a mob and it drop off after some ways across land. The reason they don't want to pvp is cause the player dont and 9 out of 10 times want stop chasing there prey unlike a npc that has no choice cause its told to wether it wanted to or not by the ai.
Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT
Safe areas should have all the basics for crafting. (Wood, sand, metal, animals, etc) however, the highest level of weapons/armor/siege equipment etc should be very limited in these areas, mostly in the non safe areas.
I didnt say cant have them, Im saying limited amounts (resources for them).
What this does is promotes trade, and makes it so safe areas cant craft high level arms and armor for PVPers in safety. BUT what safety areas players can do is craft other things like tools etc and trade this, because they can do it freely without fear of attack or PVP.

Quote Originally Posted by Arkonick View Post
Which is why I would sugest to cut the map into so pve players have lake and mountains and myst and use the other side for war. This way pve players can craft fight epic mobs and stuff on there side and pvp players can battle each other and have epic mobs as well and use war siege weapons and stuff. I'm not saying this is the best idea but it's a start at looking for a solution for both player styles with out forcing pvp player to only pve crap and pve players to pvp crap. this still leaves option for pve players to still partake in rival pvp with the system jooky has spokken of. I'm not going to search the forums to point out the article where jooky explained in detail what he had planed.
This direction tho gives pvp players more options than what there going to have.
Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT
Size of these areas dont matter, as long as the resource balance is upheld with rare resources. (Like EVE online)
Again, I dont see why you would be upset here, Ive already said you can make PVE lands as big as you want as long as the resource system is upheld. It would be better IMO though for PVE'ers IF they had a smaller area than the PVP area due to what as already listed before.

You act like I dont like PVE or something. I love fighting mobs, and doing raids and crafting. I love both sides of it. I tend to craft and PVE much more than PVP. Ask around to people that have played with me. Many are on these forums here.

1 problem I see with PVE vs PVP armor, is the fact that if a PVPer kills someone then what are they going to do with PVE armor? Its not a lot of reward there, fact it would almost be a joke.
Another issue with PVE vs PVP armor is the resources need to make each. Plus you would have to have 2 sets and stats for each.
Sure we can toss in there PVE armor/weapons if you want. Its not a huge deal to the system. If that's a major breaking point to many people and they think its worth the time to have all that extra coding and artwork on 2 sets of armor. Sure I guess it wont break the system. But I dont see the need for it. You didnt pose a good point about it, all you said pretty much is that you want it. Show me how it will effect trading, and make the gaming world better other than just "It would look cool or be cool"