Quote Originally Posted by Yzandor View Post
I dont know if we are on the same page or not, if am saying the same as you but in another way (cause english is my second language) but ill just add this: Its all normal to have large groups of scum bags, it WILL happen, now, what we have to try out is to control the amount of those large groups, discourage them with some penalties whatever it is (political, trades etc) and assisting the good tribes to defend themselfs with city guards. Anyway ill make a poll, i didnt saw anywhere if most of the players would want a safe place, somewhere invulnerable to attacks where they could protect themselfs and their goods.

My thoughts on that, which this has been said many times, and I cant believe you cant find a post about it. Is this. Safe area is ok with me as long as its limited in resources, and cant be placed anywhere. It should be preset by the devs with limited resources, and limited area.

The current plan is to place safe areas anywhere someone wants only that tribe that placed it, wont be able to do conquest. Which sounds to me like, Clan A has 3+ totems. 1) As its main base can be conquest or safe area, 2) As its conquest totem, and 3)Safe totem it places on resources or in areas it wishes to use as another base to retreat too.
That doesnt work well.

Anyways thats my thoughts, really I doubt it will ever get this far because of how slow the updates are even coming.