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  1. #1

    Event: THE RUNNING MAN - 5/5/2011

    The Running Man

    A lone wanderer traverses the world of Xsyon ........another tree greifer?...possibly not but do you want to take the risk!!!!!!
    Will you catch up with this mysterious figure and terminate his existence before he returns into the mist.........or will he?

    Event Details

    Thursday 5th May 11pm BST(GMT+1), 3pm PST
    Max event duration 1hr
    Every man for himself or team up with a friend and share the final prize.
    All entrants start in Zone 1018 - 985/875/640 (beside large rock)
    "The Running Man" will travel around zone 1018
    Current co-ords will be shouted out every 5-10mins
    Once you find him you must kill him and fully loot for your prizes
    Beware little is known about this strange figure and he may strike back (only bring what you are willing to lose).

    BREAKING NEWS!!! a close source has advised that his name goes by INHABIT

  2. #2

  3. #3
    This is today.

    Are we going to announce prizes, or let it be a surprise?

  4. #4
    surprise (cos aint decided yet)

  5. #5
    Look its the tree greifer! jump him!!!

  6. #6
    UPDATE.....prize will be 1 human skull, plus whatever else i may be carrying/wearing/ fully lootable

  7. #7
    OK Inhabit, that makes two skulls I'm getting. Yours plus the one in your pack!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jemmus View Post
    OK Inhabit, that makes two skulls I'm getting. Yours plus the one in your pack!
    Oh its on now. The sh!t talking already startin =P

    Im going to try to be there too.

  9. #9
    Congrats to andrew for killing inhabit and winning some lovely prizes.

  10. #10
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    UK stoke-on-trent
    thx 2tone and inhabit and inhabit get u axe lvl up next time lol

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