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  1. #1

    English Semantics

    It appears that most of the devs use Queens English which seems really strange to the users of American English.

    The skill Hunting should be changed to Creature Harvesting; body parts procured should be harvested by instead of hunted by. I guess they say hunted by in England and the hunting skill in England means something else in America.

    The quality of fish tooltips would be better presented as Fresh, Spoiled, and Rotten. High and low quality fish is meaningless in America.

    A very good example of words with the same meaning but different spelling:
    Gray - American gray color; Grey - British Gray colour.

  2. #2
    What is the difference between low and high quality?

    In food, does it fill you up less if it's low quality?

    Things like this I'm not even sure if they have been coded for. But if they haven't they make the tooltips meaningless

    What's the difference between a low and high quality basket??

    One decays slower than the other??

    Who knows

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by NorCalGooey View Post
    What is the difference between low and high quality?

    In food, does it fill you up less if it's low quality?

    Things like this I'm not even sure if they have been coded for. But if they haven't they make the tooltips meaningless

    What's the difference between a low and high quality basket??

    One decays slower than the other??

    Who knows
    let assume that its not coded for what the quality affects it and submit suggestions as to what it should be.

    fish for example could be the freshness state of the fish unless its smoked.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudder View Post
    It appears that most of the devs use Queens English which seems really strange to the users of American English.

    The skill Hunting should be changed to Creature Harvesting; body parts procured should be harvested by instead of hunted by. I guess they say hunted by in England and the hunting skill in England means something else in America.

    The quality of fish tooltips would be better presented as Fresh, Spoiled, and Rotten. High and low quality fish is meaningless in America.

    A very good example of words with the same meaning but different spelling:
    Gray - American gray color; Grey - British Gray colour.
    Truthfully I am from America too, New York, and Hunting and the Quality has meaning to me.

  5. #5
    By your example it seems like you're debating whether we should use Gray or Grey (insert whatever in for them)....


  6. #6
    Read the whole op BEFORE you make trollish comments. I'm from Arkansas and Fish quality is meaningless to me. The Hunting skill in Xyson IS NOT the same as the term hunting in America - it's creature Harvesting. Hunting in America usually involves tracking down and killing. When I catch a fish in a pond or lake does it come marked with a label of quality? Since the answer is NO, then the smell test must be used.

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Saorlan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rudder View Post
    It appears that most of the devs use Queens English which seems really strange to the users of American English.

    The skill Hunting should be changed to Creature Harvesting; body parts procured should be harvested by instead of hunted by. I guess they say hunted by in England and the hunting skill in England means something else in America.

    The quality of fish tooltips would be better presented as Fresh, Spoiled, and Rotten. High and low quality fish is meaningless in America.

    A very good example of words with the same meaning but different spelling:
    Gray - American gray color; Grey - British Gray colour.
    Is this thread serious?

    You know the world learns UK English right? Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

    Only the Americans spell things incorrectly because the original settlers to the US were illiterate religious zealots who had never been to school.

    (yes I am intentionally winding you yankies up )

  8. #8
    For people who drive on the wrong side of road your language is really strange

    But the point is this game was released for the North American market more than anywhere else. So, with that said, Please use American English when writing for use here.

    BTW, those pilgrims were actually Dutch, not English. The original settlers came from Asia, not Europe. There were a few English settlers before the Dutch, but they died out quickly(Jamestown).

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Saorlan View Post
    Is this thread serious?

    You know the world learns UK English right? Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

    Only the Americans spell things incorrectly because the original settlers to the US were illiterate religious zealots who had never been to school.

    (yes I am intentionally winding you yankies up )
    grrr, I am so wound up!

    Not on a game topic but english vs. american english topic...

    When I first moved to the States, I had an english tutor from England. She taught me the word for "eraser" but the word from England, which is "rubber." She didn't think to teach me the American word.

    So there I am, first day at school, french speaking 4th grader in America... and yes, I asked my teacher for a rubber... doh!

  10. #10
    In the eyes of most Americans the whole world is a bunch of silly buggers - they talk funny; they dress funny. Oh my, I said a dirty UK word (bugger). This word is meaningless here in America.

    What is the UK word for condom?

    BTW Don't send me hate mail with naughty language
    Saorlan anymore.

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