Well I was out hunting for some stuff to raise my bonecrafting and I heard from a friend Alexi that there were a few coyotes near my zone. I packed up my hunting tools and weapons and headed in the direction indicated. Seeing a pack of coyotes I decided to kill the most active ones as to not get jumped by a lot of them at once, ended up only getting jumped by 3 (one more corpse just out of screenshot view).

Now meanwhile those 3 baby coyotes are chilling as i skin Mama Coyote...and out of the corner of my right of the screen comes the pissed off Papa Coyote!

Now another coyote! this is getting rediculous!

Now that is what I call a MULTI-KILL!

Had some great laughs dancing with wolves per say. Great job on adding more animal npcs to the game, it feels a lot more alive