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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen caaahl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Germany, Potsdam

    Post Video: Building the city of Apache

    Hi there.

    Thought i could share a video of our progress with the City of Apache:

    It's an ongoing project and far from being finished. So more videos of it will follow in the future, i guess.

  2. #2
    Astonishing, cant wait to see the other vids!! what zone is the city of Apache?
    ps. can i reserve season tickets for the Coloseum? ;-)

  3. #3
    Looks awesome!

    I really like the rock outcrop in the colosseum. Looks like it would make things interesting in there.

    Great music too

    Well done!

  4. #4
    Outstanding design...hopfully they add boats fo yo harbor

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Impressive work and well made video. don'T want to know how many clicks all that is.....

    shame your well thought design is usless because of safe zones

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Niburu View Post
    shame your well thought design is useless because of safe zones
    what part is useless due to safe zones? i don't get it

    If it makes you feel better we will be a warring tribe once the option is in.

    Also, we don't know if tribes we will be unaccessable once prelude is over and the right tools are in for keeping people out like locking gates.

    so please explain what you are talking about instead of your half a sentence one liner.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by caaahl View Post
    Hi there.

    Thought i could share a video of our progress with the City of Apache:

    It's an ongoing project and far from being finished. So more videos of it will follow in the future, i guess.
    Thanks for sharing. I'll add it to my thread.

  9. #9
    cool place mate GJ Apache.

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