Quote Originally Posted by findangle View Post
yeah we're dancing around the same issue over and over again in all these threads

either you have to make it fun to get crushed by another player even when they didn't go out looking for a fight or you have to dissuade players from crushing other players.
you should have stopped before the or...or else you need to come up with a new game design (as it pertains to xsyon).
if you want an 'open' world with that real/tangible feeling of nervousness when you venture out into the wilds then you have to have a very real threat of violence.
the trick is the risk/reward of the equation.

players need the ability to mitigate their chance of getting jumped.
players need to have the ability always been on an equal footing (insert health per level add discussion here) with their attacker
players need the ability to hold other players accountable for their actions.

give the players the tools to play the game...then let them play.

and mr ddt sir, your stamina is pretty astounding...after having this discussion multiple times alread on this forums, i'm pretty much done with it you've been at it a year longer and still going.
keep up the good fight.