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Thread: Some critics

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    The survival aspect is what also drew me in within the first few minutes of entering the game. I was growing hungry and thirsty, and felt I needed to fix that. Didn't realize it had no effect yet... but still.

    I'd definitely agree that would be a great focus for the game.

    There's no PvP ladder in Xsyon. The notion that pvpers are all uberlike pros and everyone else just needs training wheels is boring. It's overdone. It stinks of megalomania. It's a dime a dozen and not even worth the dime.

    Post Apoc doesn't HAVE to mean Mad Max. This is where those folks would say "Think out of the box." Right back at ya. Not everyone needs pixelated teeth to have fun. Beating someone up with a keyboard and mouse while drinkin' Dew, or whatever else, doesn't have to be the focus of every game out there.

    Someone mentioned NGE. That watered down all mechanics of SWG, not just for the pvpers... even if they feel they're the most important and worthy demographic to ever walk upright.
    there is a 6 digit playerbase out there waiting for an open world / sandbox / ffa game done right.

    done right means a game with balanced economic, political, and warfare systems.

    done right means having a system that promotes conflict yet at the same time, provides a 'safe' path for those that would prefer to not risk as much (insert risk reward discussion that we've had a couple times).

    done right means having design elements that encourage players to interact with one another to achieve certain goals...goals that are defined by individual players needs and wants.

    done right means a system designed so players have to tools to deal with most issues themselves.

    I gotta say, I don't have a lot of faith that the game will get done right. The contingent that remains, is mostly 'happy' with the status quo of build, craft, scavange, oh-my. PvP features that get introduced will not be thoroughly tested...primarily because i don't see many of the pvp folks coming back to pay-to-test...and unless systems are thoroughly tested, well, we end up where we started when us new folks showed up rabid for a game that looked a lot like modern day UO (it wasn't pretty). Anyway, don't actually care too much anymore...just trying to finish up the vd temple before my time runs out. /tip

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    there is a 6 digit playerbase out there waiting for an open world / sandbox / ffa game done right.

    done right means a game with balanced economic, political, and warfare systems.

    done right means having a system that promotes conflict yet at the same time, provides a 'safe' path for those that would prefer to not risk as much (insert risk reward discussion that we've had a couple times).

    done right means having design elements that encourage players to interact with one another to achieve certain goals...goals that are defined by individual players needs and wants.

    done right means a system designed so players have to tools to deal with most issues themselves.

    I gotta say, I don't have a lot of faith that the game will get done right. The contingent that remains, is mostly 'happy' with the status quo of build, craft, scavange, oh-my. PvP features that get introduced will not be thoroughly tested...primarily because i don't see many of the pvp folks coming back to pay-to-test...and unless systems are thoroughly tested, well, we end up where we started when us new folks showed up rabid for a game that looked a lot like modern day UO (it wasn't pretty). Anyway, don't actually care too much anymore...just trying to finish up the vd temple before my time runs out. /tip

    I think you are missing the.

    "Dear Jesus" and "Amen"

    Preach it, we can only dream one day.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I think you are missing the.

    "Dear Jesus" and "Amen"

    Preach it, we can only dream one day.
    Those things are superfluous when preaching to the choir.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Book View Post
    Those things are superfluous when preaching to the choir.
    I do try to show respect to my elders =P

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen Creator's Avatar
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    done right...

    In order for the done right... is to make everyone happy, is to make a game superior to real life, where the only reason one would consider to leave is to go to work and occasionally sleep and eat.

    done right... is a virtual utopia, that is what you are saying, what most of you are discussing, the "always wanting more..." factor.

    People bitch and whine about wow, but it sells cause though at the end of the day it is what the majority feels is.... "done right".

    I want a working combat system, I want shit to kill, and gas masks...
    Unless if I am mistaken, what most of you want is real life... but a twisted version of it, a version you feel is fair, a version which suits yourself.

    One which complete opposite copies exist in the same place, at the same time.

    I think what is done right is...

    - working combat
    - weapons, buildings, equipment, transport and ways to produce/place them
    - shit to kill, people to kill

    ... is not everyones version of done right.

    No Rules, No Safe Zones...

    However what some of you think is done right is something different, some of you vastly different. But this game cannot be.. "Everything" there has to be a realistic expectation.

    I know what I say sounds offensive, it sounds... accusatory maybe to... but I want you to understand a perspective, that you have two options...

    A game which fits us, you, most of us here... or a game which fits a 6 figure player base, which is vastly different... No matter how good something is, someone will always get bored, someone will always bitch, complain, whine, and say it... isn't, done... right!

    While xsyon has a long long way to go before being "done right" in anyones opinion... we should focus on what we do like, what is "done right" and what can be added on top of those solid foundations to make the game more immersive, enjoyable and retains more players without watering down the experience.

    EDIT: I do not believe watering down the experience with safe zones, or bunches of player conduct rules.. is the right path. Either you want realism, how safety is acquired rl, or you want Wow... so take your pick.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Perefim View Post
    A game which fits us, you, most of us here... or a game which fits a 6 figure player base, which is vastly different... No matter how good something is, someone will always get bored, someone will always bitch, complain, whine, and say it... isn't, done... right!

    While xsyon has a long long way to go before being "done right" in anyones opinion... we should focus on what we do like, what is "done right" and what can be added on top of those solid foundations to make the game more immersive, enjoyable and retains more players without watering down the experience.
    So you suggest to make an official poll (through emails probably) to figure out what 'most of us' like Plus the devs should ask their aimed playerbase as well what they would like. Then ask the devs if they are willing to make a game like that. Isn't this called market research ?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
    So you suggest to make an official poll (through emails probably) to figure out what 'most of us' like Plus the devs should ask their aimed playerbase as well what they would like. Then ask the devs if they are willing to make a game like that. Isn't this called market research ?
    I think better is to just have the devs say what they want, and then allow players to give feed back to help mold that view.
    Oh wait he did that already.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I think better is to just have the devs say what they want, and then allow players to give feed back to help mold that view.
    Oh wait he did that already.
    Why ? That way he would get to know 10-15 players opinions only. Thats not representative in any way.
    I prefer what SE did with FFXIV...2 huge polls where they asked every player who bought the game. Now thats what I call feedback.

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